Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

If all Afghan men stand with girls and put pressure on the Taliban with all-round support, maybe it will have an impact on the process of reopening schools

How can you understand the Taliban because they don’t listen to the voice of the people because everyone says to open the schools.

But in Afghanistan its not


We are the only generation that cry for education to let us to complete our primary study

It is our most challenge

Providing traditional community structure Taliban are trying to create a community based on the traditional roles of men and women in which women are mainly at home and play family roles

The Taliban is slowly realizing who made a mistake because they are facing a shortage of female teachers and doctors in other fields

Yes , inshaa Allah they recognize it

They thought that their old strategy of governance would work for this generation.

When they understand this, it will be too late

Ofcusre, they can bering the girls hope ,wishes ،enthusiasm

Most of the girls in forced marriages no longer hope to study

This is the one reason for Taliban

this is the afghan culture in by Taliban mean

As we know that the Taliban will not open the door of schools for girls soon, thus they should take steps and go for online learning

Control and suppression Close schools and universities on girls is part of the Taliban’s overall policies to control and repress society to reduce dissent and dissatisfaction.

Agree with your opinion

One solution is consist of shorai olama that they talk with taliban and convince them to reopen schools

The biggest issue of this government is its inconsistency. Regarding receiving aid, they do not differentiate between Muslim and non-Muslim countries. However, when it comes to speaking the truth or making decisions, their stance often shifts, revealing a contradictory approach