Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

Families are also responsible for their daughters’ education and should support them in this endeavor. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Afghanistan, where many families believe that girls and women should not be educated. This prevalent mindset significantly hinders the progress and empowerment of women in the country.

But in Afghanistan Most of the men don’t want their daughters to study and the Taliban’s way of thinking has affected them
They do not want the education of their daughters

Its a great way to reopen schiols

At first there are the girls fathers to stand with theirs girls

Yes, its true , u right

Girls’ lack of access to modern education puts them in a dilemma. Some of them are forced to turn to Taliban religious schools and study in those spaces to escape from numbness and depression. Currently, tens of thousands of female students are studying in religious schools.

During the three years that the Taliban have been in power, they started building a school for girls, many girls were attracted to extremist ideas and some of them married the Taliban. The Taliban, who generally have a desire for polygamy and now have the power and authority to make decisions, by abusing the atmosphere of religious schools, choose their second, third and fourth wives from among female students and satisfy their sexual desires.

It’s concerning that due to limited access to modern education, many girls are compelled to seek refuge in Taliban religious schools. This situation highlights the urgent need for expanded educational opportunities that are safe, inclusive, and supportive of girls’ academic and personal development. Efforts should focus on enhancing access to quality secular education to provide girls with viable alternatives and empower them to pursue diverse educational paths that align with their aspirations and rights.

I thing taliban thing that women are more empowerment they afraid that promotion of women will distrbute them so they prevent from knowledge of women

If we reflect on the period before the Taliban came to power, it is evident that many girls were already observing the Islamic hijab. This remains true today. However, despite this, schools have been closed. This suggests that the Taliban are using the name of Islam to further their political goals rather than genuinely upholding Islamic principles. Their actions, under the guise of religious adherence, seem aimed at achieving political objectives rather than promoting the true values of Islam

Families are responsible for their daughters’ education and should support them in this endeavor. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Afghanistan, where many families believe that girls and women should not be educated. This prevalent mindset significantly hinders the progress and empowerment of women in the country.

On factor which is on my mind right now ,
Is that Taliban do not accepted gender equality.
Not just Taliban moset of Afghanistan men also don’t want education for Afghanistan girl’s.
I know some of them in Kabul they don’t want education for their daughters because of wrong beliefs.

We must not stoped declare awareness girl’s education and use from role models and Media Campaigns.

I think being united and and one voice can help some problems beside women their men brotger father husband should also support them mentally because in the current situation they really need support from us

Than the international NGO’s also should be apart of supporting females education in afghanistan it may impact definitely

Supporting gurls from international community could be effective for the government and the females as well

Yes, 100% of Afghan people are involved in banning girls’ education, so that Afghan men themselves do not raise their voice for the continuation of girls’ education, foreign people and international organizations cannot do anything.

The following ways can be used to change the Taliban’s decision to ban Afghan girls’ education

Internal dialogues and negotiationsDirect negotiations with the Taliban and trying to convince them about the importance of girls’ education can be effective. The participation of elites, religious scholars and community leaders in these negotiations can be helpful

Increasing public awareness and support Holding awareness and information campaigns inside Afghanistan to increase public support for girls’ education and create social pressure on the Taliban