Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

The costumes that girls should be at home and learn how to be good housewife, not being a doctor ,engineer or a solicitor.

Patriarchy returns to the traditional society of Afghanistan, a phenomenon in which religious fundamentalism and the gendered and instrumental view of women and girls are the basic paradigms of this discourse. Men’s failure to stand up against the current suffocation of women, depriving them of their civil and human liberties is one of the obvious traits of this patriarchal thinking.

You right , and If people don’t stay silent and stand up to defend girls to continue their education, it will affect the Taliban’s decision to reopen schools.

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1 question.
In order to express these reasons of the Taliban, it should be said that, first, schoolgirls have never been without hijab, and the people of Afghanistan are more sensitive than the Taliban about the issue of hijab; Two, assuming that if the hijab was not observed, the Taliban could have kept the girls’ schools open by recommending the observance of the hijab; Third, secondary and high schools were not mixed before

Since the opening of all schools to students, especially female students, is one of the conditions of the international community for the recognition of the caretaker government, the Taliban must reopen the girls’ schools for their own interests in the near future,In shaa Allah

Taliban are traveling abroad, cash aid is always sent to them, what else can they do to recognize that they have to accept the condition?

Removing them from black list may be

3 question, at first girls should able to use their own phon and account to access online education , that it is still a challenge for girls in some parts of Afghanistan that girls are not able to have their own phone and net

1 question, Taliban have their own reason their wrong islamic teaching that a girl should not continue her education .

A girl should be stay at home , and just doing house works , serving their brothers,fathers and then married after that should serve for her husband and educate their children

3 question ,
Folk of Afghanistan should be stand with girls and they must be not silent for their girls education,

In islamic teaching there is not any statement that a girls do not has permission to do education or they must be just housewife ,

First answer is Overcoming geographical barriers: For girls in remote areas or areas with limited school infrastructure, online learning provides access to educational resources regardless of location
Flexibility and safety: Online education offers flexibility in learning schedules, allowing girls to study at their own pace and in safe environments, mitigating security concerns and cultural restrictions
Reaching marginalized communities: Technology can reach girls from marginalized communities, such as those displaced by conflict or living with disabilities, who might otherwise lack access to education

Second answer my opinion is Infrastructure and Connectivity:

Limited internet penetration: Afghanistan has one of the lowest internet penetration rates globally, particularly in rural areas where internet infrastructure is scarce or non-existent.
Cost of access: Internet services are often prohibitively expensive for many Afghans, especially for families already struggling financially and prioritizing basic needs.
Electricity shortages: Frequent power outages in many parts of the country disrupt internet access, making online learning unreliable

in second answer another problem is Social and Cultural Barriers:
Restrictions on girls’ mobility: Cultural norms often restrict girls’ freedom of movement, limiting their ability to access internet facilities outside their homes.
Family priorities and resources: Families with limited resources may prioritize boys’ access to technology over girls’ due to deeply rooted social norms and expectations.
Lack of digital literacy among women: The low literacy rate among women, coupled with limited exposure to technology, hinders their ability and confidence in using the internet and digital devices.

I agree wit you

I propose this solution for help girls to access internet Community-based internet access points: Establish safe and accessible internet centers, perhaps partnering with existing women’s centers or NGOs, managed by and for women.
Offline learning resources: Distribute offline educational content (loaded onto tablets, for example) that can be accessed without constant internet, and update regularly.

I agree with your answer

Yes one reason is that

Q3 answer Female tech mentors: Train and support female teachers and facilitators to become confident technology users, encouraging other girls and women in their communities.