Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

ANS1: I don’t think online technology can be a great tool for continuing to educate Afghan girls because the majority of Afghans today do not have access to HQ and free internet.

Q3 answer Invest in localized educational resources: Encourage and fund the development of high-quality digital educational materials in Pashto and Dari, covering the Afghan curriculum and culturally relevant topics

Q1 answer my another idea is Connecting with teachers and peers Online platforms facilitate virtual classrooms online forums, and messaging features fostering interaction with teachers and peers even from afar

I agree with your answer


Answer 2 poor internet and high price and girls didn’t access to internet in the village

You are absolutely right , And also girls are not able to use social network becuse of some terditinal customs in some part of Afghanistan

ans 2: Girls in Afghanistan face lack of financial resources to access the Internet for education, and the culture of using the Internet is not well established in Afghan families, and people have different opinions.

ANS 3: To address the issue of Afghan girls’ access to the Internet, first, culture should be created because Afghan people and families are a traditional society, and second, financial and logistical support should be provided because people suffer from poverty.

answer 1 definitely online technology is useful in this situation because girls not going school

The people that live in that area should help and support girls. They should not tell any where as well to anyone. They should make safe.

That is good point, but still in Afghanistan we do not have strong culture that accept using net and social networks,

answer1 Online education allowing girls to study at their own pace and in safe environments, mitigating security concerns and cultural restrictions

great answer👌

Do you think that in most parts of Afghanistan having phone and using net is easy for girls?

Online education is good ,but using that is not easy for girls
There are lot of challenges.
Such as culture, people ,families etc…

Not all girls have access to the Internet and mobile, but the same girls who have access to their mobile phones should be provided with online training

Nice points

Yes it’s very heartbreak situation for afghanistan girl

Yes you right , but what about other girls that live in villages and deprived areas