Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

Internet almost is slow in afghanistan and have high cost, if the NGOs provide internet for girls and women they could participate in classes and trainings.

Establish informal and online education programs to provide learning opportunities while schools are closed.

Gender differences and discrimination in the family and society cause girls not to go to school.

Since the arrival of the Taliban, forced and underage marriages of girls have increased.

People are forced to even sell their daughters due to economic problems.

Online forums and social media can help build supportive networks for students and educators.

The lack of security and the existence of corruption in educational projects have been a big obstacle in banning girls from education for the past several years.

Another solution is that the Taliban say that if our government recognizes officially it may still allow women to work and study.

The closure of girls’ schools has caused the migration of many families.

Digital libraries and online courses can offer a wide range of educational materials and resources.

The closure of schools has caused a decrease in humanitarian aid to the people of the society.

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Online technology can provide safe, flexible, and accessible education for girls in Afghanistan,

With the arrival of the Taliban, people have become pessimistic about Sharia.

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I really don’t know how we should go to school and build our future.

Girls in Afghanistan face key issues in accessing the internet and online educational tools, including limited internet infrastructure, high costs of devices and connectivity, cultural restrictions on technology use, low digital literacy,

Today most of migration are cussed because of schools is banned

The lack of girls’ schools in many provinces and the distance to the schools cause girls not to go to school.

Poor internet coverage and unreliable connectivity, especially in rural areas.

An all inclusive government should be formed, that is, every person should be given a duty in the government

Nationalism should be destroyed and all ethnic groups should be given a share in the state, for ex… uzbek tajik pashtun hazara etc