Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

There was not even one girl’s name in the results of the competition, which shows the inequality of the Taliban society.

One of the reasons may be that there are some intelligence agencies in the taliban government and this intelligence does not want afghanistan to compete with other countries

The taliban are illiterate people from the surrounding areas, whose children are neither willing nor able to study, and they have banned other people as well.

Also, the Taliban government is not an independent government, however, the taliban government was created by the intelligence of other countries and what does this intelligence say so the taliban implement their plan

The factors that forced the taliban to close the school. The first factor is that the taliban say that our system is islamic and in islam, women are not allowed to study together with men in the same class.

another factor is that the taliban is not independent yet and taliban can’t make many decisions on his own

The issues and factors that supported the taliban’s decision may also be that the taliban did not come to build the country in the true sense
because the taliban has brought other countries and the profit also goes to other countries

Salam and Greetings.
The Taliban adheres to a strict interpretation of Islamic law (Sharia). They believe that women’s primary roles are as mothers and homemakers

Unfortunately the Taliban closed all the educational centers for women

The Taliban has claimed that ensuring the safety of women and girls in schools is difficult in the current security climate.
But it’s completely unacceptable.

All girls and women need to educate

The Taliban closed schools for women due to their strict interpretation of Islamic law,potential political strategy, and claimed security concerns.

When schools and universities get open all could participate and get happy also they can learn and serve more

Diplomatic efforts and conditional aid from the international community could incentivize the Taliban to reopen schools.

Empower local communities to advocate for girls’ education, highlighting its benefits for society.

An educated girl or woman could improve and develop the country

Internet is initial for all students

If the big organizations provide coursess and online trainings all girls can participate and develop their skills

Use negotiations to offer the Taliban economic and developmental incentives in exchange for reopening schools.

The international community needs to put pressure on the taliban so that they open the schools this can also be a solution