Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

The solution in the current situation is to create online educational programs and structuring programs and teach other girls who benefit from this program so that they can also benefit.

Also, we must use religious leaders to speak about the compatibility of girls’ e with Islamic principles.

The lack of female teachers in schools that teach students below grade 6 is very worrying

The world is busy with the war in Ukraine and the issue of Palestine, but they have forgotten the women and girls of Afghanistan.

The Taliban do not agree among themselves because the Taliban government is made up of several groups, one group wants to open the schools, but the other opposes it
If we remain silent and do not take any action, it is possible that the Taliban government will not open schools for girls so the solution is to unite them and become a group and work together

Salami and Good afternoon
Online technology can provide Afghan girls with access to education by offering remote learning opportunities, digital resources, and virtual classrooms,

Yes, online technology can be useful as an alternative for girls in Afghanistan to gain access to education by providing remote learning opportunities and digital resources.

And if they are a group with their own government, then there is a 100% possibility that they will open schools for girls.

Considering the challenges of effective online learning in Afghanistan, I think implementing online education for all girls in Afghanistan is not possible at this moment. Additionally, the lack of capacity in digital pedagogies and a scarcity of knowledge for students on how to efficiently use the available technological resources if they have access to them may be harmful rather than efficient.

And looking at the current conditions, if we use technology, it is still possible to provide education to girls, but the government is not taking any action in this regard.

Girls in Afghanistan face several key issues accessing the internet and online educational tools, including limited internet infrastructure, restrictions on technology use, lack of digital literacy.

And the Taliban themselves do not want the schools to be opened for girls, but if they want, they can open the schools for girls right now

limited internet infrastructure, restrictions on technology use, lack of digital literacy, economic barriers, and cultural or security concerns are the most common factors that Afghan girls are forced into and known as the challenges to them.…….

Afghan society needs educated girls, of which women make up half of a society .

Some of the Taliban who are working in the Taliban government are still in favor of opening schools for girls, but they are not strong enough, but the Taliban government is made up of several groups

The right to education is one of the basic rights of every human being, unfortunately Afghan girls are deprived of this right .

Affordable Access This is one of the ways and solutions to Implement initiatives to make internet access affordable for all, including subsidies or community internet programs.

If in a family, their mother is literate and educated It can be very effective in the education of your children and it will lead to the development of the society So try to open our schools.

Because there are some intelligence agencies inside the Taliban government, and those who are inside the government do not want schools to be opened for them

Also, the way can be used by communities and cities that do not have access to the internet and online classes,
Offline Educational Resources:
Develop and distribute offline educational materials, such as pre-loaded tablets and USB drives with educational content, to reach those without reliable internet.