Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

But the solution is that the foreign institution should start its activities again and should provide learning opportunities for the girls inside the house so that the girls can continue their studies.

The ban on girls’ education in Afghanistan is a very complicated and ambiguous issue. From the beginning of their resumption of control in August 2021, the Taliban closed schools to girls above the sixth grade and, following that, they also closed universities to female students.

It is useful for the international community to put pressure on the Taliban and hold a meeting with them, and in this meeting, there should be a serious discussion on the opening of the girls’ school

Online education is not available to all students due to the weak internet in Afghanistan, but learning foreign languages ​​and capacity building programs have attracted a large number of girls.

Today, girls in Afghanistan are looking for alternative and even secret ways to continue their education. Because the Taliban have closed schools above the sixth grade and universities to girls.

It has been more than 1000 days that schools have been closed for girls, and we are very sad .

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Making internet access affordable, providing digital literacy training, and creating a safe and supportive environment for girls to use technology. This option can be used as a second method for learning about girls that do not have access to school.

For the sake of school or education, there is still no possibility for the girls , so it is better that they should be provided with a place to study(online) at home so that they can continue their education

Also can use this to Mobile Learning Platforms: Develop and promote mobile-based educational platforms that can work on basic phones and low-bandwidth connections.

And internet is necessary for online education and internet is not working in most areas in our country, so there should be pressure on internet networks to deliver their services to all areas in our country

Provide affordable or subsidized devices (like tablets and smartphones) and data plans specifically for educational use.

In most countries now, thanks to the internet, people can do all their work, whether it is business or education, from their homes, so we can also provide online opportunities for girls. too

About the Internet, here in Afghanistan the internet is slow and mostly the providers provide shared internet not dedicated, so internet is not working properly.

The taliban do not accept that the rights of women are equal. The Taliban believe that a woman has
separate rights and a man has separate rights. a woman’s place is in the home, that is, a woman should take care of her housework, and a man can work outside the home. the thing

Hello and good morning to all
Glad to see you back for the second day of discussion
The Taliban closed schools for women due to their strict interpretation of Islamic law, desire to maintain control, cultural conservatism, and as a potential bargaining tool in international negotiations. They also cite security concerns as a justification.

The Taliban say that this is an act against the rights of Shariat. In Shariat, the place of men is separate and that of women is separate

TheTaliban closed school duo to their ideological beliefs the taliban adhere to a strict interpretation of Islamic law, which they claim justifies their restrictions on women’s education.

It is the hand of foreign intelligence agencies and they want Afghan women to remain uneducated
this does not want Afghanistan to move forward and compete with the world