Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1I

Nearly three years have passed since the Taliban closed the doors of schools to girls from the sixth grade onwards in Afghanistan. In light of this ongoing crisis, we will discuss the following from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM today.

Description and the time schedule:

1:30 PM -4:00 PM Summary Phase: Please work collaboratively as a team to summarize the top 5 key problems and their best ideas and solutions generated over the past two days. For each question, list the top 5 main issues and then the top 5 solutions:

  1. How do you think online technology can be useful as an alternative for girls to gain access to education in Afghanistan?
  2. What key issues do girls in Afghanistan face in accessing the internet and online educational tools?
  3. What solutions do you propose to address and resolve these issues and help girls access the internet and online education in Afghanistan?

Hello to everyone
I hope everyone is doing well.
This is Jawad.

In the name of allah
My name is Elaha Aslami I am from Kabul I graduated from computer science l am happy to be one of the subscribers of this program

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Hello and good morning
hope you all fine and doing well
this is Faridullah hamdard

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About your question, I would like to say that
1: One of the reasons the Taliban have closed educational opportunities for girls is to exert pressure on the international community to recognize their government.

2: The factors that led to the Taliban’s increased power and support included their successful seizure of power and acquisition of numerous weapons, significantly enhancing their strength in the region.

3 In my opinion, if the international community reaches an agreement with the Taliban on recognition and continues to persuade them to reopen schools for girls, there is a high possibility that educational institutions for girls will be reopened.

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Az I think there are some several reasons which they don’t want to reopen the school doors for girls
The first thing is Beliefs: The Taliban’s strict religious views say women should stay at home.
Second reasons is Control : Keeping women uneducated helps them control society better.
And Culture: Traditional Afghan culture often doesn’t support girls going to school.

About your questions
1-Cause taliban thing that girls education is a big gulit from opinion of islam they said that women are just for house and for work of house
1_ thier belive that they are so much extreme
2- more then 80% of taliban are illiterate
1- online schools and courses
2- selection of uniform from ward of government cause of issue of Hijab
2- Support of other countries and international organizations from afghan girls

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I totally agree with you. And also The Taliban have not reopened schools for girls in Afghanistan primarily due to their strict interpretation of Islamic law.They adhere to a traditional belief that a woman’s primary role is within the home.According to their views, extensive education for girls is seen as unnecessary for fulfilling domestic roles.The Taliban also claim they need time to develop an appropriate “Islamic” educational environment.However, many see this as a pretext to restrict female education.

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Hello and good morning to everyone I hope you’re doing well. I am Hussnia Rasa from Afghanistan now I am living in Kabul. I have graduated from high school since 2021.

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Welcome Hussnia

I would like to answer question one Taliban has different ideas:

  1. The Taliban’s recent move to shut down schools for women is rooted in their rigid interpretation of Islamic law, which prioritizes gender segregation and restricts women’s involvement in public spheres.
  2. The Taliban’s fundamentalist ideology upholds traditional gender norms, curtails women’s educational and professional prospects, and perceives female education as a challenge to their dominance and societal influence.
  3. Through the closure of women’s schools, the Taliban seeks to uphold their conservative values and assert control over social and cultural conventions.
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Great Idea, But what do You think what girls should do in this situation ?

I am totally agree with your opinion that Taliban has their own beliefs event their self try to get education and higher education. Nowadays Taliban control Afghanistan but they’re self trying to learn skills. Even nowadays I see that Taliban attend at universities, but their beliefs is wrong and they think if women and girls get higher education they can’t control them.
And other reason is they have traditional beliefs from the past.

Girls should think positive and every problem has solution like;

  1. Families should support their girls to continue their education through online classes.
  2. Community should support girls to create classes in villages and homes.
  3. Girls can make plans for themselves to study at home alone. As well they can use from apps and videos through TVs and YouTube.
  4. An other ways is girls can create groups among themselves they can study in groups.
    As I am using videos and YouTube through my lessons and skills.

From my side, one of the main reasons for the closure of schools and universities is the non-recognition of the Taliban government by the international community. If the Taliban are recognized, the possibility of reopening educational institutions is very high. Also, the Taliban have misconceptions about schools and universities, because they see schools and universities as places where prostitution is promoted and women are not safe there. This view is one of their misconceptions.

Yeah I agree with you

Let me add something
Historically, the Taliban have imposed severe restrictions on women’s freedoms.This approach has led to widespread condemnation.Afghan society largely opposes these restrictions.The international community has also criticized the Taliban’s policies on female education.Human rights organizations argue that education is a fundamental right for all.Many believe that denying education to girls will have long-term negative impacts.It will limit opportunities for Afghan women.It also hinders the country’s overall development.The ongoing situation remains a significant human rights issue, and efforts continue globally to advocate for the reopening of schools for girls in Afghanistan.

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I agree with your perspective.

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The people that live in that area should help and support girls. They should not tell any where as well to anyone. They should make safe.

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good yeah I agree with you