Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1I

You’re right,If the men of Afghanistan want their daughters to be educated, they must change their wrong beliefs and respect the rights of girls. They should support and respect the rights of girls. These Afghan men must bravely support Afghan girls.

Families are responsible for their daughters’ education and should support them in this endeavor. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Afghanistan, where many families believe that girls and women should not be educated. This prevalent mindset significantly hinders the progress and empowerment of women in the country.

On factor which is on my mind right now ,
Is that Taliban do not accepted gender equality.
Not just Taliban moset of Afghanistan men also don’t want education for Afghanistan girl’s.
I know some of them in Kabul they don’t want education for their daughters because of wrong beliefs.

yeah your right
Most of the men are exactly like this and they don’t want their daughters to study and the Taliban’s way of thinking has affected them
They do not want the education of their daughters

Yes unfortunately you’re right
But ehst is the real solution? What girls can do ?

The best solution is that :
In the Quran, it is stated that God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves. We should change our behaviour, beliefs .as Afghanistan women i want from every family specially Father or brother support your sisters ,daughters who is the mother of future.i know we are in bad situation we can change if we support and help each another.

I agree with you.

I gree with your opinion

Yeah this is great point, we need to support each of us but onli think that we should think deeply about new generation which will be in the society about 10 years latter

In my opinion The Taliban’s opposition to girls’ education stems from their strict interpretation of Islamic law and cultural norms that prioritize traditional gender roles. They believe that educating girls conflicts with their vision of societal roles and religious principles.

Yes, the current government claims that the education system as it was during the previous administration is entirely incompatible with Islamic principles. They assert that laws should be formulated and implemented according to Sharia and Islamic principles and that schools should be reopened in alignment with these rules. However, no concrete laws or policies have been established in the past few years. It appears that these statements are merely a tactic to deceive the people of Afghanistan,

Your perspective highlights a significant aspect of the Taliban’s ideology regarding gender roles and education. Their interpretation of Islamic law is indeed a critical factor in their stance on girls’ education. The Taliban often promotes a vision of society where women are primarily seen as caretakers and homemakers, which can lead to the belief that formal education for girls is unnecessary or even inappropriate.

Agreed. The Taliban’s restrictive policies on girls’ education stem from their conservative interpretation of Islamic law, which emphasizes traditional gender roles.

But I think their daughters are educated and they don’t care other girls. They send their daughters to other countries.

Yes their daughters are living in foreign country and they already got educated

Exactly even they live Morden and very well in any case.

Its possible if we try

But islam emphasize for learning of knowledge we know the first Ayat of holyquran is Iqra so taliban must know this

I thing its just one political issue no other thing that we do not understand what is going back of carten

I want to add more.

This strict adherence to traditional gender norms can be traced back to cultural practices that predate the Taliban’s rise to power, which they have reinforced through their governance. The Taliban’s policies reflect a broader context in which women’s rights and access to education are often curtailed in favor of maintaining these traditional roles