Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1I


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And also here are some mean points which I mentioned.

1 Control: The Taliban restrict women’s education to keep power.

  1. Beliefs: They think women should stay at home.

  2. Negotiation: They use it to get what they want from other countries.

  3. Support: They want to please conservative groups.

  4. Excuses: They claim safety reasons to close schools.

If we reflect on the period before the Taliban came to power, it is evident that many girls were already observing the Islamic hijab. This remains true today. However, despite this, schools have been closed. This suggests that the Taliban are using the name of Islam to further their political goals rather than genuinely upholding Islamic principles. Their actions, under the guise of religious adherence, seem aimed at achieving political objectives rather than promoting the true values of Islam.( from my side )

Yes, they made this decision pr
ecisely to achieve their goals and continue to do so to maintain their power. By closing schools for girls, the Taliban aim to exert control and ensure their dominance, using religious justification as a means to sustain their authority and prevent any potential loss of power.

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One solution is consist of olamashora that they talk with taliban and convince them to reopen schools

Yes but they say that we are muslim and the other countries are non Muslim and we don’t need to talk with them

About which council that you say, it was built by the Taliban government and is completely in the hands of the Taliban, they cannot do anything without the permission of the Taliban
I mean the council that was built in Afghanistan

We can built like this from general people which be represents of common people and can arrive voice of people to thier official

Its thier bad idea

I don’t think so

I think these 5 main issues are the key factors which Taliban closed the grills schools.
1: The Taliban adhere to a strict interpretation of Sharia law, which they believe restricts the education of women and girls.
2:In many parts of Afghanistan, particularly in rural areas, conservative cultural norms view the education of girls as unnecessary or inappropriate.
3:The Control and Authority stance on girls’ education has complicated their relationship with the international community.
4:There are differing opinions within the Taliban itself. Some leaders might be more open to girls’ education but face opposition from hardliners within the group.
5.The Taliban have cited security issues as a reason for closing girls’ schools, claiming that they cannot guarantee safety.

Yes, they have repeatedly stated that other countries, which they do not consider to be Muslim countries, are not necessary for interaction. This stance further isolates Afghanistan and hinders the potential for international cooperation and support.

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I understand. You’re talking about a council in Afghanistan that is controlled by the Taliban and needs their permission for everything.

What is the name of this council?

I agree with you.

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I agree. The Taliban’s stance of not interacting with non-Muslim countries isolates Afghanistan and blocks international support.

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I agree with you but Do you think there are any other significant factors contributing to the closure of girls’ schools by the Taliban?

In many remote areas of Afghanistan, villagers hold the belief that schools and universities are not meant for girls and that women should focus solely on household duties rather than pursuing education. Unfortunately, this mindset leads to support for the current government’s decision to close educational institutions for girls.

Good points you have mentioned I agree with your idea

But if the Taliban say that other countries are interfering in internal affairs, this belief is incorrect. Currently, all the projects being implemented in Afghanistan are supported by these foreign countries. When it comes to money, the Taliban request help from non-Muslim countries, but when non-Muslim countries talk about the rights of education of girls, the Taliban call it interference.

yeah your right
The biggest issue of this government is its inconsistency. Regarding receiving aid, they do not differentiate between Muslim and non-Muslim countries. However, when it comes to speaking the truth or making decisions, their stance often shifts, revealing a contradictory approach.