Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

Ok thanks

And believing that if she studies, she will become naked, she will run away from religion

Online technology can provide a lifeline for girls’ education in Afghanistan.

Online education allows girls to learn remotely, access a wealth of educational resources, connect with other learners, and do so safely.

yes exactly

Of course :heartbeat:

virtual classrooms, online libraries, and support groups , all accessible with an internet connection.

Answer Number 2-
Internet access and devices can be expensive, posing a financial barrier for many families.

Online education is the first and last option. in current situation

3.I think, schools are closed. Online education will be very useful, but in order to solve the problems of those girls who do not have access to the Internet, they should be helped so that they can access online education, and this is while they should be helped, of course, with cash assistance.

Online safety and privacy issues, especially for girls, need to be addressed.

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Yes of course

No, we are still hopeful that the Taliban will open the schools of our sisters, which is the request of all Afghans.

Of course

Precisely because most of the families have economic problems and cannot provide smart mobile phones and internet for their daughters, so financial aid can help them.

We are hopeful, but we should not wait until that day and get away from education, we must find an alternative

It is good if it is a cash donation
But it is unlikely that they will receive cash assistance

I hope that school open as soon as possible

Yes, exactly, but in your opinion, when and how much of this aid will be given to Afghan girls and what part will they receive, while the Taliban is against this?

Yes, all Afghans have the same hope that schools will be opened. But how this question is very difficult