Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

In my opinion, only the recognition of the Taliban cannot help the opening of girls’ schools, because they say that the current educational curriculum in Afghanistan is a foreign educational curriculum, and they want it to be a completely Islamic curriculum.

I agree. The Taliban’s view of Sharia is unique to them.

If this is the case that the Taliban fear the safety of girls for going to school, then why open religious schools?

I am absolutely disagree with your opinion , I saw girls wearing burqas until the age of 10, when they observed the Islamic hijab, but they were denied going to school. It’s not a perfect idea we must think deeply and find the best reason that show why Taliban is so strict with girls.There is no problem in covering women and girls in Afghanistan, and the Taliban use religion to gain points from the world and achieve their political and group goals.

3.I think the Taliban also want to open schools to all Afghan girls in order to maintain good relations with the international community, but with the Taliban’s own curriculum.

Because in religious schools, the mentality of girls is washed to such an extent that they adopt the Taliban mentality, and the mentality of girls who are in religious schools is completely different from the mentality of girls who are in schools.

I don’t agree that the closure of girls’ schools is only about their hijab. The Taliban’s restrictions on girls’ education are part of a broader effort to control women’s rights and limit their access to education. While the hijab might be one issue, it’s not the main reason for closing the schools. The real aim seems to be to enforce strict rules and reduce women’s opportunities.

Is it so difficult to separate boys’ and girls’ universities that in almost three years, the Taliban could not open the gates of the university to girls. Regarding the teaching resources of schools and universities, it can be mentioned that none of the teaching materials of schools and universities are in conflict with the religious teachings of Islam. So what do you think is the reason why universities and girls’ schools have not yet reopened?

One of the consequences of the Taliban’s decision to close girls’ schools can be mentioned in relation to the Taliban’s false and mistaken beliefs about Islam. According to their misunderstanding regarding the education of girls, they believe that education of girls is not allowed in Islam and that women and girls should stay at home and spend their time raising their children and doing housework. But the religion of Islam has clearly stated that women and girls have the right to education, and Prophet Muhammad has also said that it is obligatory for Muslim men and women to learn science. The Taliban will never allow women and girls to study unless they face pressure and political sanctions from the international community. In my opinion, until the international community takes action to eliminate the terrorist group, the Taliban group will not allow girls to study.

Answer Number 3- The main solutions that can be mentioned in relation to the reopening of schools for girls can be expressed in relation to social and cultural activities. Holding seminars and social activities that promote the importance of girls’ education in society and try to change attitudes and create awareness in this field.
In addition, it can be mentioned that families who send their daughters to schools are given financial aid in order to reduce their financial and social barriers. So that families don’t use poor economy as an excuse to send their daughters to school.

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Yes, you are right, but the Taliban say that we will not remove the entire educational curriculum, we will increase the lack of Islamic themes and the name of the school will change.

If the only aid is to the families who send their girls to school, we do not want any cash aid from the Taliban, then we should be allowed to go to school.

Yes, I mentioned that it is because of the hijab, but the Taliban has nothing more to say and gives the same excuses to people. Those who want relations between foreign countries should open schools for foreign relations and they are forced to

Is the arrangement and preparation of the curriculum so difficult that the Taliban could not prepare the curriculum within three years? The Taliban, who claim to have defeated America, why are they not able to prepare school materials?

  1. Proposed Solutions to Address and Resolve These Issues

To help reopen schools for girls, we can:

  1. Separate Schools: Build separate schools for girls with good facilities and resources.
    Which is going to be really difficult

The Taliban wants to convince the Afghan people with various excuses that we are trying to provide a safe and completely safe environment for girls, but in my opinion, this is an excuse, no Afghan citizen will accept these words, and the truth is that The Taliban don’t want to open the schools, because if they wanted to, why would they promote Islamic schools?

As we all see their curriculum isn’t finalized yet, and one more thing is that the previous curriculum didn’t conflict with Islam or cultural values so there is no need to change the curriculum. The current delays and issues seem to be excuses rather than real obstacles.

  1. Proposed Solutions to Address and Resolve These Issues

  2. Cultural Sensitivity Training: Educate communities about the importance of girls’ education while respecting cultural and religious values. Involve local leaders and religious scholars.
    It specifically means to train the new generation so that they are aware eventhough it might not be easy.

If the name of school changes then it won’t be school, and we all know that they what they want.
as an experienced teacher I would like to say that school without science is not school.

Encourage international organizations and governments to put diplomatic pressure on the Taliban to respect girls’ right to education, and also launch campaigns to inform communities about the benefits of girls’ education, addressing cultural misconceptions can be a solution. to reopen girls’ schools

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