Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

3- solution
Create support networks for families to discuss and encourage their daughters’ education and provide resources and information.

Work with human rights organizations to challenge policies that limit girls’ education through legal means.

When girls do not have the right to education, that society will be paralyzed and illiterate, and in the future, an illiterate generation will grow in that society, and we will start a fight to reopen schools to attract the world’s attention, so that by putting pressure on schools open again

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Due to question 3 i add these things, International institutions, human rights organizations, research and study institutions, and the media must document human rights violations, discrimination and human rights violations based on gender, gender apartheid, and prohibitions and restrictions imposed against women and inform about it at the international level. And society. Don’t be a silent and watching world

3.The Taliban should understand by themselves that now is the time to use the pen instead of the gun because the world relies on science. If we look at the remote areas of Afghanistan, we will see how ignorant they are and how many problems there are in terms of health. Science and business because they don’t have access to science, they don’t have doctors, they don’t have teachers and engineers, if this decision of the Taliban continues, the future of our sisters and mothers will not be anything else.

Yes you are right and also ; In my opinion and considering the current conditions, these can be suitable alternatives for girls’ schools

  1. Online education: implementation of online education programs using technology, and financial support for girls to continue their education

  2. Local education classes: Forming classes in homes or community centers with local educators.

  3. Informal educational programs: providing informal learning programs that respond to the specific needs and cultural conditions of the society.

These measures can help improve and facilitate girls’ access to education.

How can we convince the Taliban to reverse their course?

I don’t know why the international community doesn’t pressure the Taliban on this issue. The international community should put a lot of pressure on the Taliban and not allow the Taliban ambassadors to travel outside the country. They stop all the aid that can be given to the Taliban. These are the issues that can prevent the opening of schools. Help to educate girls

International Support: Get funding and resources from international organizations to build new schools, hire female teachers, and ensure safe transportation or provide online education for girls.

They are just observers and do not take any action

Local classes and informal classes or schools is a good option for girls in order to learn more, but the problem is that with informal education they cannot go further, for example if you want to get university entrance you must have a school certificate which no one can provide

The Taliban themselves should know all this if our sisters do not have education, how can we have a female doctor, I am referring to a female doctor, while the Taliban separate men and women in all departments, so sister. A student’s wife or mother should go to a male doctor to treat a student’s sister or mother (gynecological diseases)

Therefore, the best solution is to negotiate with the Taliban and make them understand with valid reasons that the education of girls is important, let the girls grow and study.

In the current situation, online education is the most viable solution. Online education, supported by international organizations, ensures that students receive valuable learning opportunities that can help them advance to higher education. Online schools, combined with financial aid or scholarships from other countries or international organizations, would be extremely beneficial. Additionally, support from women’s rights activist organizations would be crucial in promoting and enhancing these educational opportunities.

If this is the case, we all see that we have places to educate girls and we still have very prominent teachers, all of whom are unfortunately unemployed, and you said online education. It is not correct, so online training will not be very usefu

Exactly; creating online education, financial support should also be provided for them so that they can activate internet packages and continue their education without obstacles.

There are many online schools around the world, but unfortunately, the cost is so high that girls in Afghanistan are unable to afford it, so scholarships will be a good option


Because not all girls in Afghanistan have access to the Internet"

That is why I am talking about funds and scholarships from international organizations

In the current situation where girls are deprived of the right to education, online education is a suitable alternative to continue their education because girls can continue their studies at home and with the guarantee of their immunity, if skilled and trained professors are hired and high quality teaching materials are used. Online education will be useful, but on the contrary, it will not be useful in the process of hiring professors, if it is a relationship and intermediary criterion