Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

From the current situation, it is clear that the university schools will not open, and this is the appropriate option from my point of view
Give lessons online and recently give documents for women.

For males, it’s possible to afford the cost of education because they can work and pay for it. However, females are not allowed to work, so how can they pay for their school or university?

Exaclty girls from all over the country should study not only those who can afford

You said that whoever wants to study should pay the financial expenses himself !
So, I have a question for you, those girls who do not have a good financial situation and cannot activate the internet package, should they not study even online education because of lack of money?

During the republic period, girls did not pay for their education, their fathers did

Yes, we can say that it is the best option for those who have access to the Internet, because it can be very important due to the absence of online education schools.

Absolutely agree


Online education is a good option for continuing education, but there are challenges in this sector that we need to find a solution for it.

What about those who have no father, whether their fathers have passed away or are sick? I used to pay for myself, but now that I’m jobless, who will pay for me?

But our target should be girls who don’t have fathers, their mothers were breadwinners for their families, what should they do if they don’t study?

Our target is Afghan girls no matter who she is, and scholarships will be awarded to those who are really in need.

In the field of online education, economic problems can be a challenge and financial aid can be a solution so that girls can activate the internet package

Yes absolutely agree


The international community should negotiate with the Taliban for the reopening of schools, they should not be silent and observers, and until this problem is solved, it will take a period of time. Until then, we should not stay away from education. We should replace online education.


So, I will briefly state that the closure of schools for girls has nothing to do with the cultural, religious and ethnic conditions in Afghanistan, and this decision originates from the “radical” ideology of the Taliban, and this group pursues political goals in the envelope of Sharia and culture. is itself

online education is a hope in these dark days for girls, it can be hope and motivation for them to continue their education .

And I wish that one day the doors of schools will be opened for girls

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