Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

Most foreign universities and schools are online, which Afghan girls cannot enroll in due to the economic situation, so online schools and online universities that provide these services for free can be a good option for these girls to continue their education and also Receiving financial support from domestic and foreign institutions can be a good option

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Online courses are also a good option for girlsā€™ education

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Also, foreign and domestic institutions should consider short-term and long-term online training programs for girls, and even consider internship programs for girls who are deprived of going to offices, and for girls who graduate, online jobs for them. provide for women to participate in community activities

Most of the families are facing economic problems, even though girls can go to school until grade school, they forbid their girls from going to school. Work should be done on the economic empowerment of the society and families, institutions and international communities, projects, growth. Consider livelihood for people so that people do not prevent their daughters from going to school because of their economic problems.

So, what should those girls who do not have access to the Internet do? In Afghanistan, not all girls have access to the Internet

As i mentioned above,Receiving financial support from domestic and foreign institutions can be a good option

But the people of Afghanistan do not complain about the economy as much as they complain about the closure of schools for their children. In my opinion, efforts should be made to open the schools first, and then the economy of the people of Afghanistan can be mentioned.

Agreed, in my opinion this can be the only effective way.

And Also in this comment i mentioned who can we solve the financial difficulties.

Both are necessary for each other. If peopleā€™s economy is not good, they will prevent their daughters from going to school

In my opinion, first of all, the government of Afghanistan should reopen the school
Otherwise, it is the same online training that should be taken
Or allow women to take online courses through schools and universities and give them a certificate of completion

In my previous experience, I saw how excited and dedicated our school girls were to even a small chance of online education. They study day and night, eager to learn and grow. In these difficult times, online teaching can be their only hope.

In my opinion, whoever wants to study should pay the financial expenses himself
But the main problem is that fog prevents studying

Exactly, online education is a hope in these dark days for girls, it can be hope and motivation for them to continue their education


Education fields should be provided for girls and obstacles and challenges should be removed, even if the challenges are economic and political problems, international communities should remove this challenge.

I said this because the families of Afghan girls donā€™t say that financial aid should be given to us so that we can continue to educate our girls, they have the same slogan that schools should be opened for the girls of this land, so schools should be opened first, after The world community should make decisions about the economy of girlsā€™ families.

Yes there are many people out there that have no food or shelter they also have the right to be educated.

Our target is not only girls who have a good financial status and can study online. Our goal is that all girls, even the poor, can equally benefit from the right to education.

Yes you are right