Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

Even within their own group, they disagree with each other, some of them are in favor of girls’ education

America is the biggest supporter of al-Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan, but apparently it is at war with them, if it uses them in line with its interests.

Yes, those who are in favor of opening girls’ schools are also afraid and cannot express the truth

Actually,People cannot raise their voices against this terrorist group for fear of their lives

America, England, Pakistan and a number of countries that are allies of these countries support the Taliban because these countries do not want an independent and independent Afghanistan in the Asian continent.

If the people of our country are in this kind of disharmony and the problems that these westerners have started in the name of nation and nation, the condition of other people will be worse.

I think، Financial and political support of countries like Pakistan, England, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, America.
It has strengthened the Taliban

In my opinion, many countries are working with the Taliban and do not want girls’ schools to open because the international community is trying hard to convince the Taliban to open the schools, but they do not accept it. We understand that behind the Taliban are many countries that support makes them proud

In the past three years, the Taliban have cited women’s and girls’ clothing as a factor and excuse for the closure of schools and universities and the prohibition of women’s work.The problem is not in covering Afghan women and girls. The problem is their belief and misconception about hijab

Actually, these countries Pakistan, England, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, America support Taliban

international community they are silent and watching they don’t do anything

Afghan women are always victims of war


But the Taliban cares a lot about their leader’s words, their leader gives all these orders to the Taliban and they never deny this, but for me, a question always arises, who does the Taliban leader get his opinion and support from, now we have to know that the countries of There are others who are directly related to the Taliban and all this makes our mothers and sisters victims

We never had a supportive ans real leader who supports Afghan women

Do you know what the reason is? The reason is that we have never had honest and country-loving leaders and they always thought of their pockets, and this is the best option for the countries that do not want Afghanistan to progress, they know that the leaders of Afghanistan are money lovers and the country Foreigners buy all our leaders with their money and it ends up being detrimental to Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan.

A leader whom no one has seen up close until today. It is quite clear that the Taliban receives orders from the United States. The United States has been at war with the Taliban for twenty years in Afghanistan to destroy the Taliban and restore the Taliban to power again.

Yes, this is the reason why we Afghans cannot achieve complete freedom


Exactly during several decades of war, we saw that women were always used as tools of war