Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J


Actually Afghan women are so brave and hopeful. Imagine in this situation we are still living our lives and looking for a better future, who else can do this?

We will not be free until we unite to eradicate ethnic and racial discrimination and promote gender equality in society.

Afghan women have proved that they are heroes through decades of sacrifice and sacrifice. The cruelty of the oppressor cannot dry our roots. We grow again from the place where they cut us

Just Afghan Women can do it



In the current situation, women should not be disappointed, in any way, they should continue their education and follow the firsts.

The key factor that supports and helps the Taliban in making these decisions can be considered local support. And most people welcome this decision.

The women of today are not the women of twenty years ago, they are stronger and stronger than yesterday. We will never give up. Even if they close schools and universities, we will study through online education and prove that even if they limit us, we will grow.

You’re right

Yes, because it is their opinion
Their beliefs are almost the same

Yes you’re right

Exactly, the women of today’s Afghanistan are open minded

In my opinion, it cannot be the hands of other countries to close the gates of schools for women
This is the personal designation of the ruling government of Afghanistan.

I am not sure

So The international community should negotiate with the Taliban for the reopening of schools, they should not be silent and observers, and until this problem is solved, it will take a period of time. Until then, we should not stay away from education. We should replace online education.

Why the international communities are silent :disappointed:

Pakistan and America are still some countries that do not want Afghanistan to progress, they know how to satisfy the Taliban, they always give cash aid to the Taliban, the Taliban and them are allies.

Yes I am agree with you opinion