Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

God williing

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The Taliban want to prevent Afghan women from learning and being literate, while women do not accept any obstacles at all and continue their struggle against oppression and want right to win over wrong.

I think the time has been finished and I hope see you again in other discussions .

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Yes, online discussion is very useful and we can educate people through online, that access to the Internet and use of the Internet today is the biggest help to us, especially to the women of Afghanistan, so let’s take advantage of this great opportunity so that we can become an enlightened society in the future be literate.

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Absolutely! Online discussions are invaluable. With increased internet access, we can educate and empower Afghan women, making strides toward a literate and enlightened society. Let’s seize this opportunity to support and uplift Afghan women in their pursuit of education. Together, we can overcome these challenges. #EmpowerAfghanWomen

Yess i wish that we will have opportunities like this to have useful discussions together and all of these will encourage Afghan women to study more and more and never lose hope. we have a good discussion with togather thanks a lot dear friends :pray:

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Yes, I wholeheartedly agree! Discussions like these are crucial in motivating Afghan women to pursue education and remain hopeful. The resilience and determination of Afghan women inspire us all. Let’s continue our collaborative efforts and leverage technology to ensure their educational rights. Thank you, dear friends, for this enriching conversation! 🙏

GOOD BYE. :clap: :wave:

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I am very happy that we had discussions together in the hope of seeing Bai’s friends again :wave: