Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

They blocked online classes but how???

Yes dear how they can closed online class??

I think that is not possible to block or don’t let to online classes and they can not control this
Online classes should supported by big organizations and they should pay for it’s necessary things for online class

Yes exactly

Before coming the Taliban’s women work in every field they have been free to work and learn and it was a good improve for our country but after coming the Taliban women lost there freedom.

I don’t know :confused: one day our teacher said i didn’t Continuation our studies because the Taliban closed our office and we didn’t have any supportive.

:neutral_face: :clap:

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Yes you are right

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So the big problem after coming Taliban in Afghanistan is closing the schools and universities
And we suggest online classes for all categories of women who want to learn

Afghan girls can continue their studies through scholarships. The only solution to the problems is the online method. We can get scholarships abroad and continue our studies or continue through programs such as Zoom, Google Meet, etc.

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The system should be a good and perfect that help women for learning and the supporters should be behind them and help them for achieving their aims

Yeah i am agree with you scholarships will help too and Google meet or zoom applications will be the best apps for online classes

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The afghan girl are deprived, but they cannot perform their duty, and there are no key factors that the Taliban support, they just say wait for the second thing, they say that we should make laws that Afghan women can implement.

So who would make a good system and who will mange the system for learning it’s not clear and I hope it start very soon

The Taliban think that this is their work and closing the gates of schools and universities to girls based on Islamic interpretation and analysis, while this is not acceptable from the point of view of Islam, and the international community and the United Nations criticized the work and decision of the Taliban. But the Taliban still don’t have a reason or a reason in this field, we don’t understand how they want to be accountable to the people.

Yes, it is not exactly said in Islam that educating women is a sin, but rather it said that educating men and women is an opportunity, and this work of the Taliban is free from law and Sharia.

So friends
In this three days we have discussed about this topic a lot and all of us agree with online classes and it’s the only solution for women learning
I hope it start as soon as possible and the women continue their education

And It was a good experience for me and I enjoyed with you a lot

I hope we can come back for another discussion

Friends, we had a good topic and very important and useful discussions these three days, and I want to collect the small discussions.

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