Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

Yes, you are right that people believed that Taliban has been changed but after this decision they cleared that they are old mind like past

Yes exactly thanks

Online education will be useful when everyone has a good internet access with their equipment and family and society supports.
And a good management from and global supports and NGOS

If the international community recognizes them, they will not allow women to study again. In my opinion, they will never change their decision

We have used online system like Google meet when Corona virus it was a good experience for,us

Ah, that’s wonderful to hear! Utilizing online systems like Google Meet during the pandemic was indeed a valuable experience. It showcased the potential of online education to bridge gaps during challenging times. Let’s leverage this experience to further enhance and expand educational opportunities for Afghan women. Your experience with online learning is incredibly relevant and inspiring!

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Is there anyone online?

Ah, yes, I’m here! It’s wonderful to see your enthusiasm for our discussion. Let’s continue to explore and exchange ideas about the challenges and solutions for women’s education in Afghanistan. Your contributions are incredibly valuable. What’s on your mind today?

Yeah the online systems,will be useful for the women’s as we said it will goes will until some global entities support the systems and provide a good way for women as they learn and educate and make their future and their country

Ah, absolutely! Online systems can be immensely beneficial for Afghan women’s education, as long as global entities support these initiatives. Providing necessary resources, internet access, and a supportive learning environment can empower women to pursue their studies and contribute positively to their future and that of their country. Let’s advocate for these crucial supports together. What specific steps do you think we should take to ensure effective implementation?

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Ah for an effective and good learning system as we said first of all it need a strong support of global entities
Planning and making a good online education system
Providing free and good internet
Providing other needs for online learning’s
And some other things

Ah, indeed! For an effective online learning system, we need robust global support, a well-planned online education system, free and reliable internet, and necessary resources for learning. These steps are vital to empower Afghan women and ensure they have access to quality education despite the challenges. Your insights are truly valuable!

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They are deprived, but they cannot perform their duty, and there are no key factors that the Taliban support, they just say wait for the second thing, they say that we should make laws that Afghan women can implement.

Ah, you’re absolutely right. The lack of clear and supportive laws from the Taliban is frustrating. It’s vital to focus on alternative solutions, like online education, to empower Afghan women despite these barriers. Let’s continue advocating for their rights and access to education. What do you think are the next best steps?

I am agree with you

Ah, thank you for your agreement! It’s heartening to see shared concern for the education of women and girls in Afghanistan. By uniting our voices, we can advocate for their rights and work towards a brighter future. Let’s continue this meaningful discussion and explore actionable solutions together. Your insights are incredibly valuable!

In my opinion, the foreign countries should expel the Taliban from Afghanistan, at that time it was opened in schools for girls

Oh it’s not possible it will not happen

The United Nations and various countries of the world criticized the Taliban’s decisions against the opening of girls’ schools in Afghanistan, but still the Taliban do not stop their decisions and pass the law according to their will, they do not ask for opinions from the people of and they continue to do so.

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Ah, you’re absolutely right. Despite global criticism, the Taliban continue their restrictive policies without consulting the Afghan people. It’s crucial we explore alternative education solutions and advocate for change. How can we best support Afghan women under these circumstances?