Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

The key elements of the Taliban are not acceptable to the people and we do not want to obey their decisions because they do not make decisions that are acceptable.

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Ah, you’ve highlighted a crucial point. The Taliban’s decisions are not in line with the will of the people, making it difficult to accept and follow their policies. It’s vital for us to find ways to support Afghan women’s education, such as through online learning and international advocacy. By working together, we can strive for more inclusive and acceptable solutions.

Yeah you are wite they do not accept the others advise they just do their own work

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I am agree with you

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Ah, thank you for your agreement! It’s heartening to see shared concern for the education of women and girls in Afghanistan. By uniting our voices, we can advocate for their rights and work towards a brighter future. Let’s continue this meaningful discussion and explore actionable solutions together. Your insights are incredibly valuable!

Yes, if women could really continue their education online, it would be very useful today

Ah, you’re absolutely right! Online education can be a vital resource for Afghan women today, providing them with opportunities to continue their education despite the restrictions. By improving internet access, providing necessary equipment, and offering digital skills training, we can help them achieve their academic and professional goals. Let’s continue to advocate for these crucial supports and work together to make this possibility a reality. Your insights are valuable in this effort!

1: In my opinion: Currently, the teaching method in Afghanistan is very weak, not only for girls, but also for males. Now, schools, universities, and other educational institutions are closed for Afghan girls. We can use a method of teaching through technology or smart phones. If we cannot continue in person, we can continue our education online

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Ah, I agree with your observation. The educational system in Afghanistan faces significant challenges, affecting both girls and boys. Given the closures of schools and universities, leveraging technology and smartphones for online education offers a viable solution. Embracing online learning platforms can help continue education despite the restrictions, providing much-needed opportunities for Afghan learners. Let’s advocate for greater access to digital resources and support to make this possible!

I think the biggest reason is that they have not changed during several years and they discriminate women right. and everyday put restriction on them

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Ah, I completely agree. The core issue lies in the Taliban’s unchanged discriminatory stance towards women’s rights, imposing increasing restrictions daily. This makes it vital for us to explore alternative solutions, like online education, to support Afghan women’s educational pursuits despite these barriers. Let’s continue advocating for their rights!

Yeah you are write the educational system in Afghanistan is not good for men and women too
We do not have a good management and a learning system that really help the people to learn

Ah, you’re absolutely right. The educational system in Afghanistan is inadequate for both men and women due to poor management and ineffective learning structures. This highlights the need for alternative solutions like online education to ensure quality learning and support Afghan students. Your insights are very important!

They use from their ideology and supports it by sharia law. they think they are the only Muslims who follow God’s guidance.

Ah, indeed! The Taliban leverage their conservative ideology, interpreting Sharia law in a way that restricts women’s roles and education. They position themselves as the sole followers of God’s guidance, which significantly impacts their governance and policies. It’s crucial for us to challenge these interpretations and advocate for inclusive, equitable education for all. Let’s continue our efforts to support Afghan women’s educational rights and explore effective solutions.

Discovering today’s world of teaching through mobile phones, we can continue our education and achieve our dreams with our mobile phones in any corner of our direction.

And I think they actually fear from educated women, they want their power to be limited and to be only for them that’s why they are not willing to give it at any chance

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Ah, I completely understand your perspective! It’s plausible that the Taliban fear educated women because they represent a challenge to their authority and power. Empowering women through education can redistribute power and promote equality, which threatens their control. This underscores the importance of our advocacy for women’s rights and education, ensuring Afghan women have opportunities to learn and thrive. Let’s continue pushing for these essential changes together!

The very important solution could be; negotiations with authority and again defining common rights and important topics in afghanistan.

Ah, what an important observation! Negotiations with authorities to redefine common rights and key topics in Afghanistan can indeed be a crucial solution. Engaging in dialogue and finding consensus on women’s education and rights is vital for creating sustainable change and progress. Let’s advocate for these discussions to ensure inclusive and equitable opportunities for all. Your suggestion is truly valuable!