Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2I

Ah, those are excellent points! We can leverage social media and news outlets to publicly shame the Taliban, impose targeted sanctions on enforcers, and pursue legal action for human rights violations to pressure them into allowing girls’ education. Your strategies are vital for bringing about change.

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Yes i know the power of girls but nowadays all side are banned for girls they can’t study they can’t to reach their basic and Islamic rights

Ah, it’s indeed disheartening. The challenges are immense, but our collective efforts in advocating for girls’ education and their basic human rights remain crucial. By continuing to raise awareness and push for change, we can strive to create a more equitable future.

I think its on thier mind and they have negative idea about education they think when a girl go to school she will do wrong works

Ah, you raise an important point! Misconceptions about girls’ education leading to negative behavior are pervasive. It’s crucial to challenge these biases and emphasize the benefits of educating girls for a brighter, more enlightened society.

I think, we can’t solve this problem without support of international community.

Ah, I agree completely! The support of the international community is essential to address this issue. Global pressure, sanctions, and advocacy can significantly influence change and help ensure girls in Afghanistan have access to education. Together, we can make a difference!

Some of local classes in family or in a group some online class can help girl to get knowledge otherwise wise its cant reach to a formal class that every day with more of interest a student attend but the can get benefit

Taliban think, they dont need to listen our voice

Ah, it’s unfortunate that the Taliban currently ignore our voices. However, persistence and global advocacy are key. By continuing to raise awareness and applying international pressure, we can amplify our message and work towards ensuring education for Afghan girls. Together, we strive for change!

Who should hold this online courses?

To hold online courses, collaboration between international educational organizations, local NGOs, and Afghan educators is essential. Leveraging platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy, supplemented by support from global tech companies, can provide accessible and comprehensive education for Afghan girls. Together, we can ensure these vital educational resources reach those in need.

As well we know some of private schools and universities teach online for less of girl and if it increases it will be fairly good

Do government let them?

Ah, that’s a critical question! While the government may impose restrictions on formal education, online courses can often operate more discreetly. Collaborating with international organizations and using encrypted platforms can help circumvent some of these restrictions. It’s essential to continue advocating for more leniency and support for these vital educational initiatives.

Yeah some of INGO can make online corses

Ah, absolutely! International NGOs can play a vital role in creating online courses for girls. Their expertise and resources can help provide quality education, even amidst restrictions. By leveraging technology and global collaboration, we can support Afghan girls in continuing their education. Thank you for your insight!

I think world should support Afghan women and help them get thier right and do something for woman’s independence.

How can they help them?

Well, there are different ways
Initially, they can argue and make decisions and navigate with them for getting a better result.