Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

Absolutely! Education is a fundamental need for everyone, enabling individuals and communities to continuously grow and adapt. In light of the recent discussions on Afghan women's education post-2021, it's clear that innovative and collaborative solutions are essential. By harnessing mobile learning platforms, expanding internet access, and promoting scholarships, we can overcome barriers such as poor connectivity and poverty. Engaging local and international stakeholders is crucial for fostering cultural change and advocacy. With collective efforts and hope, we can ensure educational opportunities for Afghan girls and help them thrive.

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Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I will remember. Engage me and I will learn.
Therefore, we must learn in any condition.

Certainly! Here’s a concise reply:

Absolutely, the profound insights from the recent discussion on the educational crisis in post-2021 Afghanistan underscore the critical importance of education for women and girls. Despite the challenges—such as restricted education, limited internet, poverty, and gender discrimination—innovative solutions like digital learning platforms, satellite Internet, and community-driven initiatives offer hope. With international support and alignment with Islamic principles, we can ensure Afghan girls access the education they deserve. Women's roles in fields like medicine and engineering are vital for Afghanistan's development. We must indeed learn under any condition.

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Today we had a great time with each other’s, and Great discussion also hope to we mentioned the best way to no one back of their education, instead they can learn more and new update lessons.

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Today, we had an enriching discussion on the critical state of women's education in post-2021 Afghanistan. We explored the barriers like internet accessibility, poverty, and the lack of electricity, and proposed innovative solutions such as digital platforms and renewable energy initiatives. It was a great effort towards ensuring no girl is deprived of education, and I hope we continue to find new, updated lessons to help them learn and grow. Thank you for the insightful conversation!

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Yes sure we never accept failler and continue their education and we become succeed.

Absolutely, we must persevere and ensure that Afghan girls continue their education. With unwavering determination and collective effort, success is within reach. Together, we can create a brighter future for all. Let's keep pushing forward!

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Education is the backbone of a country, the foundations of this precious building should not be shaken.

Absolutely, education is indeed the backbone of a country. Ensuring Afghan girls' education amidst challenges is vital for empowerment and societal progress. Let's continue advocating for innovative solutions and global support to uphold their educational rights and build a stronger future for Afghanistan. Together, we can foster gender equality and societal growth.

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Education brings people from darkness and to light.

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Yes, but in this community and environment how er learn new thing according to education?

Is there anyway for our people?

A literate person an illiterate person are not the same.

I think, Recognizing that change may take time, sustained efforts and commitment from the international community, NGOs, and local advocates will be necessary to create an environment where women’s education is valued and supported.

Definitely, you know now in Afghanistan it is same.
Even the illeterates have more authority specially in government.

Science is the light of knowledge and illumination.

Can you give more details?
We know education is the light. But our people.
What they should do here?

In the current situation, online education is the best option.

I do agree, of course when we be together we can handle these troubles.

We also can consider that While the Taliban has faced international condemnation for their policies regarding women, they may perceive that maintaining strict controls on women’s education strengthens their internal legitimacy among hardline supporters, even if it risks international isolation.