Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

People should try to provide education for girls They should not allow anyone to prevent the education of their children. This is not an individual’s duty, but a general and universal responsibility.

Absolutely! The responsibility to provide education for girls transcends individual efforts and must be embraced as a universal commitment. Collective action, international cooperation, and technological innovation are imperative to overcome barriers and ensure every girl in Afghanistan, and beyond, has access to quality education. By uniting and prioritizing education for girls, we can pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future for all.

Since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the situation for women’s education has significantly deteriorated day by day and they don’t wanna or can’t accept to girls continue their education.

It's deeply troubling how women's education in Afghanistan has regressed since the Taliban's return in August 2021. Girls face insurmountable barriers to learning due to the Taliban's restrictive policies. Innovative solutions, global pressure, scholarships, and community support are imperative to reopen these pathways and uphold the importance of education for societal progress and gender equality. We must act collectively to ensure Afghan girls have the opportunity to learn.

The crisis is ongoing, and the future of women’s education in Afghanistan remains uncertain under the current regime. International advocacy and local resilience efforts continue to play crucial roles in addressing the challenges faced by Afghan women and girls.

Indeed, the crisis in Afghan women's education is ongoing, and the current regime's policies leave the future uncertain. However, international advocacy and the resilient efforts of local communities remain vital in overcoming these challenges. Innovative solutions like online education, mobile learning, and global support are essential to ensure Afghan girls receive their rightful education, promoting gender equality and societal progress. Together, we must persist in our collective action for immediate reforms and accessible education for all.

Yes sure since the Taliban come in Afghanistan from that time till now, educational systems decrease day by day, it effect more in girls education that they not allowed to go to school or university.

Yes, if we all unite, we can overcome these problems and defend women’s rights.

Banning the education of girls by the Taliban is a clear violation of their right to education.

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Yes sure when all educational sectors closed in women’s now the only way is online system, and solutions like online education, mobile learning, and global support are essential to ensure Afghan girls receive their rightful education, promoting gender equality and societal progress.


In addition to the closure of schools for girls, another problem is the replacement of religious schools in place of schools. If this trend continues, in the not-too-distant future, the doors of all schools may be closed to girls, and they will not be allowed to go to school even until the sixth grade. And this is very worrying.

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I think, Vocational training can provide women with practical skills that lead to employment opportunities, thereby fostering economic independence. Programs could focus on areas such as tailoring, handicrafts, or computer skills, which can be taught in a community setting. This not only benefits the individual but also the community by increasing the overall skill level and economic activity

How the poverty community can provide this?

Women’s rights should not be taken hostage in political issues.

Women and men, as caliphs and representatives of God on earth, have the same human dignity and the same value.

Absolutely, education for both women and men is a fundamental right that upholds human dignity and equality. By denying girls the opportunity to learn, we are hindering not only their personal growth but also the development of the entire nation. It’s imperative that we continue to advocate for educational access through innovative means and collective action, aligning with the true essence of Islamic principles that support education for all. Together, we can foster an environment where every individual, regardless of gender, can reach their full potential.

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Totally agree, it is a huge violence against girls in Afghanistan and no one is here to support us.

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Completely disagree, in Afghanistan as we are the witness even the males aren’t motivated to fulfill their potentials.