Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

The main challenge of online education is the lack of access of all students to high-speed internet services, the lack or absence of electricity, platforms and communications in the country. At the academic level, online education is considered a serious challenge due to the lack of an educational center that certifies the student’s education and issues a graduation certificate. Although online education cannot replace formal education and can complement formal education.

The current world of internet use and online education is inevitable. We deal daily with online services including education

However, in the current situation where schools and universities are closed to girls, the creation of online universities and online schools can help solve part of the problem and challenge created by the ruling group, and currently online education is considered an alternative to face-to-face education.

Calling the curriculum un-Islamic, the sensitivities of the Afghan people towards girls’ education, the Islamic problem of girls’ education, non-observance of hijab by female students, mixed schools and economic problems are some of the reasons cited by the Taliban.

Institutional support is also important (creating institutional capacity in Afghanistan to maintain and expand educational opportunities for girls, ensuring long-term sustainability)


Completely agree.

Totally agree.

Parental support is crucial for the success of girls’ education, particularly in regions where socio-cultural barriers and traditional norms may discourage female education. Providing facilities and raising awareness among parents about the benefits of online education can significantly enhance their willingness to support their daughters’ learning journeys.

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Yes right Institutional support is also important creating institutional capacity in Afghanistan.

While online education in Afghanistan faces significant challenges related to internet access, electricity, technology, and certification, addressing these issues through targeted interventions can enhance its effectiveness. By improving infrastructure, providing alternative resources, supporting technical needs, and ensuring formal recognition of achievements, stakeholders can create a more accessible and effective online learning environment.

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By improving infrastructure, providing alternative resources, supporting technical needs, and ensuring formal recognition of achievements, stakeholders can create a more accessible and effective online learning environment. Although online education cannot entirely replace formal education, it can serve as a valuable complement, expanding opportunities for students and addressing educational barriers.

In today’s era of globalization, the rapid advancement of communication, information, and technology has transformed various aspects of life, including education. Online education has emerged as a pivotal tool for capacity building, personal growth, and skill development.

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Online education has become an essential component of the global educational landscape, providing valuable opportunities for capacity building, growth, and skill development

As the world continues to embrace digital transformation, online learning offers a flexible, accessible, and cost-effective way to meet educational needs and advance personal and professional development. Addressing challenges and ensuring the quality and accessibility of online education will be key to maximizing its benefits and reaching learners across diverse contexts.

I don’t have any idea to control the sensitive cultural in our own community. Do you have any idea?

I think, Continued diplomatic engagement and pressure from the international community can encourage the Taliban to reconsider their stance on women’s education. This could involve leveraging aid and recognition in exchange for policy changes.

I do agree, lets provide a good internet connection and go ahead with our education to embrace it.

Online education can be a good option and alternative to continue the education of Afghan girls, but the only major and fundamental problem is the lack of access to fast and cheap internet, and it is a big challenge that hinders education.

Totally agree, this opinion truly grabbed my attention.

What do you mean by a sustainable and log term education.
Could you please share you ideas?