Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

Completely agree.

One of the significant and important challenges for the education of girls is the tribal culture and Afghan zeal in the Afghan society, that women are part of the Pashtun people of Afghanistan, to which the Taliban also belong, as goods, tools, for men, in the service of men, according to tribal customs and misconceptions. They are considered as weak, incompetent and second sex, who are not able to train and do work outside the home, and at the same time, due to the Afghan zeal that originates from the rural and ethnic culture, a woman does not have the right to choose and freedom, and without the permission of a man (grandfather, father, brother, uncle and husband) cannot make a decision and when she reaches the age of 13, she should not see an unmarried man and her unmarried man, and she cannot even meet her betrothed husband alone before going to his house.

The convergence phase underscores the potential of online learning technologies to transform girls’ education in Afghanistan. By addressing technological, pedagogical, socio-cultural, and policy-related challenges, stakeholders can develop effective strategies to empower Afghan girls through education,

lack of knowledge of girls in villages
Due to the low level of literacy in Afghanistan and the lack of family access to the press, social networks and the Internet in villages, women and girls are not fully aware of their rights, they accept the false culture of the past and unreal and oral narratives from elders and extremists with Taliban thinking. Given, they have always accepted condemnation and deprivation and did not consider themselves entitled to study and work in the society and imagined that they do not have such a right.

With the condition, it can be effective to provide facilities and awareness about such education for the parents of girls.

You are absolutely right! Providing facilities and raising awareness among the parents of girls is crucial. By educating parents on the importance and benefits of girls' education, we can foster a supportive environment. Facilitating resources like digital platforms, scholarships, and local community support will empower both parents and girls, helping to overcome the challenges they face. Together, these efforts can make a significant impact on the education and future of Afghan girls, ensuring they have the opportunities they deserve. Thank you for highlighting this important point!

I believe, Local NGOs have a deep understanding of community dynamics and can navigate cultural sensitivities more effectively than external organizations. By partnering with them, international agencies can leverage existing networks to deliver educational programs that are culturally appropriate and widely accepted. For instance, local organizations might already have established relationships with families, making it easier to encourage them to support their daughters’ education.

How we should change their mindset or how to train them?
Because they grew up like that.?

Totally agree, we can be the witness thAt now if our girls be illiterate in this time the new generation will be illiterate as well.

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As we see now it is the reality that those girls who couldn’t continue their education they compulsory got married and in soon years we will see the consequence.

Local NGOs possess a profound understanding of community dynamics and cultural sensitivities, which positions them uniquely to facilitate educational programs effectively. Their established presence and relationships within communities enable them to navigate socio-cultural barriers that might hinder girls’ education.

When, God forbid, a person who claims to be healthy but is sick, and the symptoms and signs of that are revealed day by day, he realizes that he is sick.
Therefore, the claim that the need for girls’ education is a presupposition should be understood by self-awareness and the expression of hypotheses for backward thinking.

Parental support is crucial for the success of girls’ education, particularly in regions where socio-cultural barriers and traditional norms may discourage female education. Providing facilities and raising awareness among parents about the benefits of online education can significantly enhance their willingness to support their daughters’ learning journeys.

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Local NGOs' deep understanding of community dynamics and cultural sensitivities uniquely positions them to effectively facilitate educational programs, navigating socio-cultural barriers that may hinder girls' education. Their established community relationships are crucial in promoting educational opportunities for Afghan girls.

Exactly right

Exactly right! Addressing the Afghan women's education crisis is crucial. Innovative solutions like mobile learning and NGO-supported networks can truly make a difference. Emphasizing gender equality and leveraging technology, we can ensure access to education for Afghan girls. International collaboration is key for sustainable progress. Let's continue advocating for this vital cause! 🌟📚

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One of the problems that people often have with virtual education is that due to the low speed of the Internet, many classes were disconnected and disconnected for people. Hence, they could not learn the lesson well. Sometimes users needed to download and install heavy software that required a lot of internet to enter the virtual classes.

Online learning technologies hold significant potential to facilitate girls’ education in Afghanistan by breaking traditional barriers related to place and time. By leveraging the insights and networks of local NGOs, engaging and educating parents, and addressing infrastructural and socio-cultural challenges, stakeholders can create a supportive and effective online education ecosystem. This approach not only provides immediate educational opportunities for girls but also fosters long-term societal change towards greater acceptance and support for girls’ education.

Addressing internet and technical challenges is crucial for the success of virtual education for girls in Afghanistan. By optimizing educational platforms for low-bandwidth environments, improving infrastructure, providing technical support, and exploring alternative learning methods, stakeholders can ensure that students have consistent and effective access to education. These strategies will help mitigate the impact of internet connectivity issues and enhance the overall learning experience for girls in Afghanistan.

In the era of globalization of communication, information and technology, the world is moving towards online. Today, online education is one of the ways of capacity building, growth and development of people who are looking for information and skills.