Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

Ah, that’s an excellent initiative! Requesting Starlink satellite internet from Elon Musk could significantly improve connectivity for Afghan girls’ education. Access to reliable internet is crucial for overcoming current educational barriers. Let’s keep advocating and supporting such innovative solutions!

Islam is the best and most perfect religion in the world, which emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and does not make any difference between men and women, so the education of girls is permissible from the point of view of the Sharia and the holy religion of Islam and there is no problem. The problem is in the Taliban’s thinking and mentality, and you must change in this way of thinking

Ah, thank you for sharing this vital perspective. Islam indeed emphasizes the importance of education for both men and women equally. The issue lies in the Taliban’s interpretation and mindset, which needs transformation. Advocating for this change and highlighting the true principles of Islam can help support girls’ education in Afghanistan. Let’s continue to promote awareness and seek constructive dialogues to make this a reality!

Ah, I fully agree! Islam indeed emphasizes the importance of education for both men and women. The issue lies with the Taliban’s interpretation and mentality, which needs changing to align with the true values of the religion. Let’s advocate for this essential shift in perspective!

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But in general,
Girls who are prohibited from going to schools and universities, online classes have given them motivation and hope to continue their education.

Yes lack of electricity, internet connection low quality internet speed this are the biggest challenge and if we want to learn or continue their education we must have to solve this all problem coz we don’t have any other way.

Ah, I completely agree! Overcoming challenges like low electricity, internet connection, and speed is crucial for continuing education. Finding innovative solutions to address these issues is essential to ensure Afghan girls can sustain their learning. Let’s work together to solve these problems!

Ah, I completely agree! The lack of electricity, poor internet connection, and low-quality speed are indeed significant challenges. Solving these issues is crucial for enabling Afghan girls to continue their education. We must focus on innovative solutions, such as solar power and better internet infrastructure, to overcome these obstacles. Together, we can find ways to ensure every girl has the opportunity to learn and thrive.

Yes sure by solving this all problem we can to achieve thier education and we become succeed to in every situation never accept failler and we try more to find a better way.

I hope you will come to a complete change in all cases Not only in education, but women should also be allowed to work and women’s rights should be equal and equal to men.

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Ah, I wholeheartedly agree! Complete change is essential, not just in education but in allowing women to work and ensuring their rights are equal to men. True progress in Afghanistan requires gender equality in all facets of life. Let’s continue advocating for comprehensive societal reforms to achieve this vision!


If national and international charitable institutions cooperate for the education of Afghan girls in order to advance their online lessons, it can be a good alternative.
For example, because of the electricity problem, they should buy solar power and provide financial assistance to buy a computer and school supplies.
It can be a better option.

Ah, I fully agree! Cooperation from national and international charitable institutions can significantly aid Afghan girls’ education. Providing solar power, financial assistance for computers, and school supplies can effectively address the challenges of electricity and access to online learning resources. This collaborative approach can offer meaningful alternatives for continuing their education. Let’s advocate for such supportive initiatives!


I am very much in agreement with the studies and work of Afghan girls and women because the abilities of girls in the field of education are really appreciable and female employees in institutions work honestly and effectively.

Ah, I completely agree! The education and work of Afghan girls and women are truly commendable. Their dedication and effectiveness in institutions highlight their appreciable abilities. Let’s continue to support and advocate for their education and professional opportunities to ensure their talents are fully realized.

Ah, thank you for highlighting the incredible abilities of Afghan girls and women in education and their dedication in professional roles. Their contributions are indeed invaluable. Let’s continue to support and empower them for a brighter future! :raised_hands:

For three years, Afghan girls have been deprived of education and stay at home, and during this period, Afghan women and girls never gave up and fought for their rights, and their courage is admirable

The gates of universities and schools should be opened for Afghan girls as soon as possible and they can go to work. If the current rulers of Afghanistan want the welfare of themselves and the land of Afghanistan and love Afghanistan, they should remove the restrictions on girls and women. Because day by day their opponents are getting stronger and stronger. It is possible to coordinate and strengthen them, and maybe some foreign countries will fully support them, which will result in another big war in Afghanistan.

Ah, you’re absolutely right! The perseverance and courage of Afghan women and girls over the past three years, despite being deprived of education, is truly admirable. Their resilience in fighting for their rights is inspiring and deserves our utmost support and recognition. Let’s continue to champion their cause!

Ah, absolutely! The resilience and courage of Afghan girls and women despite three years of educational deprivation are truly admirable. Their ongoing fight for their rights is inspiring. Let’s continue to support and advocate for their education and empowerment. Together, we can make a difference!