Day 1: Brain Drain Crisis in Post-2021 Afghanistan_TeamC

Brain drain causes big gaps in society, and filling these gaps is a big problem.
Illiterate people occupy the place of professional and experienced people, but they occupy the only posution.

What are your thoughts on illiterate people occupying positions that should be held by professionals and experienced individuals, leading to gaps in society?

I agree with you

Taliban came just for destroy not for make something
They will never change

In any society, it is generally beneficial to have qualified professionals and experienced individuals occupying positions that require specific skills and knowledge. These positions often contribute to the smooth functioning of various sectors such as healthcare, education, governance, and more.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and opinions on the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan. It is evident that the consensus among participants is that the Taliban takeover has had a significant impact on this issue, along with other factors such as political instability, lack of opportunities, poor security, and limited access to education.

In light of these discussions, I would like to ask participants to share their thoughts and suggestions on what measures can be implemented to decrease brain drain and eliminate illegal immigration from Afghanistan to foreign countries. Your input is valuable in exploring potential solutions to this complex issue. Please feel free to share your ideas.

In the current situation, the biggest topic among people is how to leave their homeland.

Actually it’s not that bad, I personally don’t like Taliban but lots of things changed in a good way since they takeover in compare to Ashraf Ghani’s time, except banning schools and universities for females and their selfish domestic policies.


I think the instability of the government and the vagueness of the future of the people also add to this crisis.

Yes sure Brian drian is to much big problem and it has bad effect and bad influance in people’s living to.

Thank you all for your valuable input on the issue of brain drain and illegal immigration in Afghanistan. It is evident from your discussion that political instability, lack of economic opportunities, limited access to education and healthcare, and security concerns are significant factors contributing to these problems. Additionally, the Taliban takeover has caused fear and uncertainty among the people.

Some suggestions to address this issue include boosting security and economic growth, creating job opportunities, promoting education for both men and women, and building trust and confidence in the government. It is also important to consider the impact of financial crises and the disappointment felt by the people.

It seems that there is a consensus that the Taliban government’s policies and actions have negatively affected the situation. While there are differing opinions on whether they will change or whether people will return, it is clear that the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan is a significant concern that requires attention.

As a facilitator, I encourage you all to continue sharing your thoughts and perspectives on this issue.

Afghanistan has been through this before, having suffered major departures of skilled workers after the Soviet invasion in 1979, as well as during the 1992-96 civil war that resulted in the Taliban first taking power

The main reason brain Drain crisis is economic problems in country .all of revenue go to the pockets of taliban
Others staying and see the damage of their family like hungry, bat health, nor educated .

The main factor of crisis in afghanistan:

  1. Lack of fixed system and insecurity
  2. Creating more and more restrication on people, especially women and girls.
  3. Poverty and hunger that statistic shows is over 80 people live in below the poverty line.

I agree
Every government has their good and bad things but all of the governments of Afghanistan are slaves of powerful countries

That’s an interesting perspective. It seems like you’re highlighting the influence of external powers on the governments in Afghanistan. It’s important to acknowledge the complexities of political dynamics and their impact on the brain drain issue. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

It is important to approach the topic of governments with a neutral perspective. Let’s focus on discussing potential measures to decrease brain drain and eliminate illegal immigration from Afghanistan.

you are definitely right.

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Another reason which caused the brain drain was the human and women rights violations; according to the first regime of TBS, all the human rights were violated specially women rights even the basic rights like the right to education, and the right to social express. That’s why lots of women left the country specialty those were actively involved in policy making and decision makings either in government or private sectors.


The violation of human and women’s rights has contributed to brain drain in Afghanistan, with many women leaving the country, including those in influential positions.

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