Day 1: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

“It’s essential to consider the context in which this statement applies; how might this enhance our discussion?”

Thank you all for your heartfelt engagement and thoughtful participation throughout our sessions. As we embark on this interactive phase, please feel free to share any reflections, questions, or areas of uncertainty you encountered today. Each of your perspectives is a cherished part of our journey together, allowing us to explore and deepen our understanding as a community.

What’s critical thinking?

“I value your perspective; what are your thoughts on critical thinking?”

It was a great session with you guys, I appreciate the presentor with the strong topic he offered us, I really learnt new things and want to share with you.
Literacy: In everything, first we need information then use it so here is the main point that it explained and also we have different kinds of it like digital Literacy, financial Literacy, media Literacy and etc…

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“Let’s collectively explore the various aspects of literacy mentioned and see how they enrich our understanding.”

Yes indeed, technology is very critical and play a vital roll in our education, litracy and knowledge

Could you share some examples or experiences that highlight this importance?

What’s information cycle?

“Could you share more insights on this? It sounds like an interesting topic to explore together.”

“It’s valuable to recognize and discuss the diverse aspects of literacy you’ve mentioned; what insights might we all add to this intriguing topic?”

Thinking before you take action.

“Could you share more insights on your perspective about thinking before acting?”

What is digital literacy?

“That’s an insightful question, TajbegumB24; how do you all think digital literacy impacts our daily lives?”

processing and distribut information and how it changes over tim

“How might we explore examples that illustrate these changes in processing and distributing information over time?”

The information cycle describes how information is produced, distributed, and changes over time.

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“I’m intrigued, what experiences or readings guided you to this conclusion?”

Actually without technology we will not achive and updrade knowledge and litracy very will and easily