Day 1: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

I think discussion or training in different sectors in the real world is easier to understand and understand with more people.

“How about we suggest a workshop on simplifying complex ideas to our department, believing it could enrich our understanding together?”

agree with you

“Do you think integrating project-based learning on sustainability issues into our discussions would enrich our understanding?”

Thank you all for your heartfelt engagement and thoughtful participation throughout our sessions. As we delve into this interactive phase, I warmly invite each of you to share reflections, questions, or insights from today’s lecture. Let’s cherish each voice and perspective, as every contribution helps us further enrich our collective understanding and exploration.

agree with you and also in different situation we can apply

“That’s a valuable perspective, Noorzai. How do you see project-based learning on sustainability fitting into our discussion on bridging theory with practice?”

Yes I agree. it’s just that we need to think about it the situation we’re in and how we deal with it and to make sure we do it right :+1:

What is critical literacy?

“That’s a valuable perspective, SuhailseyarB42; how do you feel about incorporating feedback surveys to better understand the balance in multimedia use that resonates with our experiences?”

“Would you be interested in starting a study group to explore how we can apply our lecture insights to real-world problems, enhancing our understanding of critical literacy together?”

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1Identify relevant videos and images for educational purposes.
2Participate in online communities safely and effectively.
3 Fact-check research for the needs of their assignments.
4 Evaluate online sources and information.
5Cite sources and copyright material properly and consistently.

“Would you be interested in a session where we can collaboratively explore how to critically evaluate predictions, integrating the practical skills you’ve highlighted?”

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Yes, I completely agree with your opinion
In the beginning, if the ideas are explained more simply, they can be understood sooner and easier, and it increases the interest of sharing.

“How about we enrich our seminar series by inviting experts from humanities to highlight the human aspect, fostering greater innovation and bridging theory with practice?”

Thank you for your participation and engagement thus far. I warmly invite you to share how you envision applying the concepts we’ve discussed today in our academic, social, or professional lives. Your ideas and questions will greatly enrich our collective journey of understanding and practical application. Let’s collaboratively explore and deepen our insights together.

Yeah, for example:
For media literacy first we need to get enough information and then start using and one important point we see every post in social media we should not comment or respond negative first we should think well then we can answer so we called this critical thinking.

“Your insight on the importance of critical thinking is truly valuable; maybe forming discussion groups could enhance our understanding and application of these concepts?”

I am interested

Thank you for your participation and engagement thus far. I warmly invite you to share how you envision applying the concepts we’ve discussed today in our academic, social, or professional lives. Your ideas and questions will greatly enrich our collective journey of understanding and practical application. Let’s collaboratively explore and deepen our insights together.