Day 1: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

“Your interest is very much appreciated; how do you feel about deepening our understanding together through supplementary reading groups?”

the letracy knowledge will help us to ensure time to time and in the critical manner to enhance and also providing some guidance regarding the letracy on media

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“How about we organize a seminar series with experts from humanities to further explore how enhancing literacy knowledge can foster greater innovation?”

increase participatoin in labour market, reducing of poverty, positive impact on health and sustainable devolopment

“How do we see the link between optimizing multimedia use in lectures and enhancing labor market participation, health, and sustainable development outcomes?”

and from my point of view creating this kind of seminars will aknowledge people and community to be aware of this detailed points

Thank you for joining us today. Your engagement opens the door to practical applications of our gathered knowledge in academic, social, and professional settings. Together, let us share and explore how these concepts can be woven into the fabric of our daily lives, enriching our understanding and actions.

“That’s a thoughtful insight, Noorzai. Could you share with us which topics you believe should be prioritized for these seminars?”

I think you can find a suitable way by consulting with experts in this field.

“Concluding lectures with actionable insights truly bridges theory with practice; how can we support lecturers in crafting these summaries?”

I belive its very critical and important to discuss regarding to find solutions and talk about litracy and education in Afghanistan specially for women in our country

“Curating additional resources on literacy and education in Afghanistan, especially for women, is a wonderful idea; how about we collaboratively build this list and share our insights with everyone?”

the data management information, detailed information about some social impacts and so on

“Would you be interested in a session where we explore the importance of data-driven predictions and how they connect with the insights Noorzai mentioned, focusing on practical applications and social impacts?”


Absolutely, Noorzai, focusing on sustainability is key. How do you feel about enriching our learning by integrating project-based approaches on sustainability topics?

Yes it is great, i gree with you.

Thank you for joining today’s session. Your presence enriches our exploration, fostering a nurturing atmosphere for us all. Let’s share and delve into how the concepts we’ve discussed can impact our understanding and daily lives, inviting a multitude of perspectives to broaden our collective insight.

“Your insight on the importance of depth is truly valuable; how do you feel about enhancing our understanding through supplementary reading groups?”

Need for critical thinking.