Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B1

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“Music truly touches the soul, doesn’t it? I’d love to hear about the songs that uplift you and any special memories they bring.”

I like to travel around the world and visit ancient places

Your interest in traveling to ancient places sounds fascinating! What sparked this passion, and what do you find most rewarding about it?

“I’m intrigued by your interesting fact; how has it shaped your life or decisions?”

Good idea, but i I don’t like listening Music.

“What’s a book related to AI or computer science that has intrigued you, even if a little? I’m curious to hear your thoughts.”

I think if the honest is always be between us we will work cleary anw we will improve to a position that ca be special

A superpower of honesty, how intriguing! Could you expand on how you envision it enhancing our teamwork and growth?

you are right, dear Rabia, Always having good hopes with hard work and struggle is required

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“How do you imagine a five-year-old would respond to you explaining your job, with hope and effort being key parts of what you do?”

I don’t have any idea about this question.

“What areas are you passionate about or curious to learn more together?”

“That sounds intriguing! Could you share one thing that stood out to you or how it made you feel?”

“I’m intrigued to hear your creative ideas - what unique invention have you dreamed up, and what inspired this vision?”

I’m interested in language learning areas.

“That’s a fascinating choice! Can you share more about what draws you to language learning?”

I think sitting a goal can help us the most

Interesting fact! How has setting a goal influenced your life or choices?

Nice day