Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B1

The choice that I made improved my knowledge a lot and I could use from my time alot. so by that experience I learned that very time we need to explore something more before taking a decision on them.

That’s a valuable insight! Could you share more about how exploring helped you make decisions?

I think if we have a supporter like our family and friend from every aspects like financially and we choose a person for example Ronaldo or other people like Jagma we can be successful.

“What an interesting perspective! How do experiences like these influence your view on success?”

If we choose a person that can reach himself from a small position to a big position why we can’t?

“It’s inspiring to see someone grow from a small position to a big one, don’t you think? What small steps do you imagine could lead to such big changes in our own lives?”

exploring something will give us more information and detail on them so after having more information on something we can easily make decision on them.

That’s a fascinating point. What’s something that has intrigued you recently through exploration?

In my opinion the changes always comes through us, it’s up us how we bring a good changes

“That’s a thoughtful perspective; how do small actions in your view, contribute to these changes in everyday life?”

The most effective way is to change their policy.

“How does aligning the policy change with creativity in invention provide a solution to the problem you’re envisioning?”

I think belive honesty trying a lot sence of responsibility will be effectual.

Could you share more about your interests or experiences that have shaped your view on honesty and responsibility?

Exactly this sounds perfect but let me add some more about that the past is remained but with time travel and explore in the past that will definitely has positive impact on new generation and as well even for many of the people that would be a very interesting reality so that they can see their self as human being and what was our rights and how get our rights in the future and for what all these things was needed that has been created up to now.

After I am sure they will have all questions would be answered by time travel.

Your insights into time travel are fascinating! How did you become interested in this topic, and what aspect of it do you find most compelling?

I think the main reason is we lost our Hope’s it’s the main reason for suffered from depression.

“That’s an insightful observation, RabiaEmaniB16. Has anything in particular led you to feel this way?”

Yes why not I am working in online disscussion that without any deed and with honesty they give me our score this is the example of honesty.

“How do you envision honesty shaping the future of online discussions and interactions?”