Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B1

They’re bonded me from University it caused me to suffer from depression.

Navigating through challenges can be tough. How did overcoming this situation make you feel, and what did you learn from it?

The aspects of benefits, lossing, starting again and be positive peeson.

“Setting goals is important; how can we support each other in achieving them or starting anew with a positive perspective?”

Strongly agree you have mentioned best point

Can you please tell me about the exactly book that you studied

“How fascinating! Could you share more about that book and how it has influenced your thoughts or actions?”

movies inspired me a lot in different aspects of my life as one time I was struggling a lot to choosing self-study or study in an educational center and which one is more beneficial so by watching a movie I knew their differences, advantages and disadvantages of each of them then I easily summarized and chose one of them as a study method for myself.

Celebrating successes, big or small, is crucial. How did making that choice make you feel, and what did you learn from the experience?

Good Morning Everyone,

I am Dr. Ghufran Ullah , from Pakistan, working as Assistant professor at PAk-Austria Isntitute , Haripur Pakistan

“Dr. Ghufran Ullah, it’s wonderful to meet you; could you share with us a success you’ve experienced in your role, and how it impacted you?”

By doing mentally exercising such yoga , reading some books, being with friends and so on …

“How do you think explaining your job to a five-year-old would make them feel, considering the wonderful ways you like to unwind?”

In the current situation, girls do not have the right to work, which causes depression among girls, because girls participate in workshops and projects in schools and universities.

“Dinner with a historical figure who advocated for women’s rights is a thought-provoking idea. What insights or solutions would you hope to explore with them?”

The life that we have it’s full of ups and downs we can’t carry all the negative points, sometimes we have to go forward although we have many challenges because it’s the meaning of life to solve the problem and go forward

That’s a deeply thoughtful perspective! Could you share more about how you navigate life’s challenges and move forward?

Yes, ofcourse dear, there are alot, will be hard to mention here, will mention one had a good funding for my PhD

“How does your invention blend creativity and necessity, and what inspired its conception?”

I strongly understand you it’s so sad to see our sisters in this situation

But you have go forward never give up

“What are your expectations from what we will explore together, given our shared concerns and hopes?”