Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

“What’s your favorite hiphop song that has taught you about life, and why? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences.”

Most of the time, the topics or stories with the family are interesting so that I can be happy, but sometimes I like to improve my cooking skills and I talk to the family so that my mother helps and encourages me in this part.
Talking with family always gives a strong feeling.

“How did your interest in cooking develop, and what book has recently captured your attention?”

You can just listen to some music and songs everyday and feel relax for the rest of the day.

“That sounds like a fun and soothing way to relax, doesn’t it?”

Music is not only a symbol of the heart, soul and mind, but music is a motivation to move, so that you get the meaning of its text, it moves you towards life.

“Music truly touches the soul, doesn’t it? How does it inspire you to move and live more fully?”

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Yes its really a good way to relax.

What interests, experiences, or skills do you enjoy that you’d be willing to share with us?

Cooking is an important part of life, that’s why I like to cook different and delicious food by myself.

I always read books and these days I like to read novels by Siamak Hervi

“That novel sounds fascinating! Could you share what aspect or emotion it particularly sparked in you?”

Every human being needs motivation and spontaneity. For me, music is the same with the choice of beautiful poetry

That sounds inspiring! Do you have favorite songs or poets that spark your motivation and spontaneity?

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also some piano song can inspire your life

“That’s really intriguing! Do you have any favorite piano pieces that inspire you?”

Yes, these books have always been true stories of Afghan people’s lives, that’s why I love them so much.

“It’s wonderful to hear how much you cherish these stories, Tamana. What has been the most impactful lesson you’ve learned from them?”

I am interested a lot in poetry and most of the time I read Mawlana peots they are really soul healing!

Poetry can be a profound journey. How do you feel Mawlana’s words connect with you on a personal level?

The main purpose of these books is to increase information about the people of Afghanistan and to be strong.

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