Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

being together with your friends is the good one

“How does being with friends enhance your expectations for what we’ll learn together today?”

RahimaB48, your insight about finding joy in the small things is truly inspiring; who from history would you enjoy sharing such a simple yet profound moment with, and what would you hope to learn or discuss?

the motivation should not be just by saying. it should be by your action

“How do you believe actions, rather than words alone, can play a role in solving world problems?”

Sometimes yes, because the goals are reminded and the family is also informed to help me achieve them.

That’s a thoughtful viewpoint. Can you share more about how setting goals with your family makes you feel?

Yeah, thank you sir.
I just wanted to ask there are a lot of apps we can use for discussion so what’s the reason we discuss in this site ?

“What’s your favorite book related to AI or computer science, and why? Perhaps we share some common interests.”

With pleasure, musical ragas show the meaning of the stages of life to humans, sometimes you enjoy poetry, but when you hear it mixed with music, it gives you double the pleasure.

“That’s a beautiful perspective, could you share more about how music and poetry influence your life?”

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music in afghanistan is facing difficulties in afghanistan and the artists can not provide any art

What about music and art speaks to you, and would you like to share your experiences or thoughts with us?

Hello and Good Morning dear students

This is Dr Ghufran Ullah from Pakista, working as Assistant professor at Pak Austria Institute , Pakistan

“What piece of advice has deeply influenced your life, and how has it shaped your journey?”

Tanx dear

“Your talent sounds quite intriguing, RahimaB48! Could you share how you discovered it and what you love most about it?”

Exactly music can be a good therapy.

Music as therapy sounds fascinating! How do you imagine it enriching your daily life or aiding others?

some hiphop music’s can learn you how people faced difficulties and how they suffer from life