Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

Yeah, hope so.

Actually this course will allow me to improv my knowledge and information in these fiellds

“Solving world problems is indeed a noble goal; I’d love to hear your thoughts on how individuals or communities might contribute to such solutions.”

“How do you think explaining your job as if to a five-year-old would make them see the fun in learning about these fields?”

I don’t think we’ll see such time.

Time travel truly sparks the imagination, doesn’t it? What era would you love to visit and why?

yes , these are counted in basic rights

“That’s an insightful point, GhufranullahTeacherB! How do you think these basic rights impact our daily lives?”

Just to be good guitarist and can play any melody.

“What drew you to learning guitar, and is there a book that’s currently inspiring you on this journey?”

Always hope for the best dear

“How has hoping for the best influenced your journey, and what positive changes have you noticed?”

“What’s a book in AI or computer science that’s really resonated with you, and why? I’d love to find shared interests.”

By any chance do you know the Author of the Alchemist?

“Your curiosity is truly appreciated; how does the story of ‘The Alchemist’ inspire you or relate to your own journey?”

Yeah I get what your saying but at the same time the way things are going thinking that things we’ll get good is kinda hard to imagine.

“How do you feel about discussing our hopes for what we’ll learn together in this lecture?”

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Currently, the Afghan government does not allow women to study, but we can teach them online in different departments.

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“That’s a thoughtful initiative; how do you feel music could play a role in enriching online learning for everyone?”

piano and guitar are the instrument of music and in every each music you can feel