Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

“That’s wonderful, RahimaB48! How has your love for bread and pasta shaped your culinary adventures or choices?”

As for the food, I can say that I can eat kebabs for the rest of my life.:joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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“That’s a delightful share, SohailAmiriB45! How has your love for kebabs shaped your experiences or decisions?”

bread and pasta are good

“That’s a lovely thought about bread and pasta. Which one do you enjoy more, or how do they make you feel?”

Greetings, Team B4 members! Thank you for bringing your wonderful selves to our pre-lecture session. As we embark on this collective journey, I’m curious to hear if any of you have a favorite book related to AI or computer science, and what makes it compelling for you. It’s a beautiful chance for us to find common ground and enrich our session with diverse insights. Who would like to start this intriguing conversation?

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s a joy to gather with you today for our pre-lecture interactive session. As we continue to learn about one another, I invite you to also share a favorite book related to AI or computer science if you have one, and what you find compelling about it. This could be a wonderful way to discover shared interests and foster an even closer connection among us. Who would like to share their thoughts first?

I would like to share more about myself, i want to educate well in my favorite major and then get a good job as well promotion in my life and also i want to perform my all plans in my life.

Could you suggest us some books about that?

It was my best friend’s birthday last week. I bought him two novel books. When she received the gift, he was very happy because it was his favorite book.
That’s why I was smiling.

“What are your hopes and dreams for your education and career, and how can we support each other in achieving them?”

“Isn’t it wonderful how learning can be an adventure we embark on together?”

“What are some of your favorite novels or interests that bring you joy, which you’d like to share with us?”

“What an inspiring set of goals, YaldaB49! How do you plan to achieve them?”

Because no food is used without bread, it is a permanent food and pasta is also my childhood favorite.

“What an interesting connection, RahimaB48! How do bread and pasta bring joy or comfort into your day?”

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Kebab is a delicious food, I don’t think anyone doesn’t like kebab. In every restaurant I go to, my order is kebab.

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Kebab sure brings joy to many; what are your favorite kinds or memories associated with it?

actually the percentage of reading book in afghanistan is really down and people are adictied to cell phone and smart phones

Books and technology each have their unique impact, don’t they? What are your thoughts on finding a balance between the two?

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