Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s wonderful to have you join us today. As we gather for our pre-lecture session, I invite you all to share a bit about yourselves - your name, where you’re from, your journey in education, and any hobbies or interests that light up your world. To add a touch of anticipation and joy to our conversation, I’d love for each of you to also share something you’re looking forward to in the coming week. It’s a lovely way to inspire and support each other as we embark on this learning journey together. Who feels inspired to share first?

What aspects of cooking or your favorite books, like “The Alchemist,” would you love to share with us?

Every psychology book has a message about fixing the complexities of life.

“That sounds quite thought-provoking. How did it resonate with you, or spark any reflections?”

Yeah ofcourse

“Your talent sounds quite unique, RahimaB48! How did you discover it, and what do you love most about it?”

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Yeah, I want to study in abroad and I am trying a lot.

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“Exploring new cultures through studying abroad sounds enriching. Who from history would you love to have as a mentor in this adventure?”

May I ask a question?

“Of course, YaldaB49, your curiosity is welcome here! What’s on your mind?”

Greetings, Team B4 members! Thank you for joining our pre-lecture session; it’s a joy to welcome you. As we share our names, places of origin, educational backgrounds, and hobbies, I invite you to also ponder and share: if you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? This question opens a window to our dreams and creativity. I’m looking forward to our colorful thoughts and getting to know each other better. Who feels inspired to lead the way?

Because I love Ashek and I can’t cook alone, that’s why my mother and sister also help me, and I also tell stories at that time.
The book The Girl Who Fell into the Deep Sea caught my attention because my friends praised it a lot
I decide to read it.

How has sharing stories and collaborating in cooking with your family influenced your daily life and relationships?

Greetings, Team B4 members! It is truly a pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to our pre-lecture interactive session today. As we come together in this spirit of learning and camaraderie, I encourage you to introduce yourselves by sharing your name, where you hail from, a bit of your educational journey, and an interest or hobby that brings you joy. Furthermore, to deepen our connection and understanding of one another, please reflect on and share: If you could solve one world problem, what would it be and why? This thoughtful question not only allows us to learn about your passions and perspectives but also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose amongst us. Who would like to open this enriching dialogue?

Did you read it?

“That book/movie seems intriguing; could you share something that stood out to you or how it made you feel?”

Flying and to have the ability to create infinite food sounds dope.

“It’s inspiring to dream about flying and creating infinite food; what joy do such thoughts bring to your day-to-day life?”

Man should first know himself, like his talents, his abilities and desires, and then seek to develop and use them.

“That’s a fascinating perspective, RahimaB48! How has recognizing your unique talents and desires influenced your choices and experiences?”