Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s a joy to welcome you to our pre-lecture interactive session. As part of our introductions, I invite you to share a recent success story, no matter how big or small, along with your name, where you’re from, and something you’re passionate about. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate each other’s achievements and get to know one another better. Who would like to begin this uplifting exchange?

If I could solve one world problem that would be climate change.

“What about tackling climate change resonates with you, evoking strong feelings or early memories?”

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s a joy to welcome you to our pre-lecture interactive session. As part of our introductions, I invite you to share a recent success story, no matter how big or small, along with your name, where you’re from, and something you’re passionate about. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate each other’s achievements and get to know one another better. Who would like to begin this uplifting exchange?

That’s kinda of impossible it’s the cycle of earth we can slow it down but can’t change it.

“What do you find powerful about music, and how does it uplift you in times of change?”

The Alchemist book is a very heartwarming novel, it tells the story of a man who followed his dreams and removed the obstacles that stood in his way one by one and achieved his dream.

“It’s the little things that matter. What moments in ‘The Alchemist’ resonated with you personally, and why?”

If we can slow it down thats also a remarkable

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Choosing to live in a fictional world offers a unique escape; what aspects of that world captivate you and how do you connect with them?

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s a delight to welcome you to our pre-lecture interactive session. Let’s begin by sharing not just our names and backgrounds, but also something small that recently brought a smile to our faces, allowing us to celebrate the joys of everyday life together. Who’s eager to start us off on this joyful note?

Yeah I completely agree.

“It’s wonderful to hear your agreement; what small things bring you joy in daily life?”

Yes, for example, the book of Atomic Habits actually teaches people how to correct even the smallest wrong habit. And there are hundreds of things to know about the Oppenheimer film.

Celebrating the insights from “Atomic Habits” and learning about the Oppenheimer film sounds enriching. How did these experiences influence your thoughts or habits?

Something recently that brought me smile is being with family all together.

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It has had positive effects.
If I believe in my ability, I can pursue my goals with love.

“That sounds lovely, TajbegumB24! Could you share more about what made that time with your family so special?”

Celebrating achievements is wonderful; what feelings did this success bring, and what lesson did it teach you?

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s a joy to gather with you today for our pre-lecture interactive session. As we continue to learn about one another, I invite you to also share a favorite book related to AI or computer science if you have one, and what you find compelling about it. This could be a wonderful way to discover shared interests and foster an even closer connection among us. Who would like to share their thoughts first?