Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

That is real great

Also I should mention that the very important thing is now Learning English as well if somebody can speak English they can explore world that is how important the English is.

Totally agree

this is the way how we can access education for girls over the country.

by establishing online schools

is there any more idea

Herat online school was set up in Sep 2021 to ensure that Afghan girls could still access education. ​The school supports not just girls in Afghanistan, but children who who have fled the country and are unable to continue their education in their new homes.

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​Subjects are varied and include sciences, languages, maths, IT, philosophy and critical thinking as well as support from psychologists to address mental wellbeing. Under Taliban rule, the arts have particularly suffered, but lessons covering these subjects are available at the Herat Online School.

That is very great!!!

Hope one day such individual will provide more facilities for the women in need

Boys can also access lessons, which is vitally important to help combat the heavily misogynistic curriculum they are exposed to in Afghan schools.

Is that an online school
If it’s please sure the link
We could share that with alot of enthusiastic individual

If they provide such online schools in 34 provinces of Afghanistan then it will cover or solve 90% problems of girls education in current situation

Definitely, we hope so

Such school have to train the sort of students with the idea of assistance with other individuals especially the women and children.that is the point we could get the most from it .


This is obvious that women and children are the most effected generations during past years, women lost thier hope, their opportunity to be part of society and lost everything they had or achieved during 20 years. now they can’t even choose what to wear and where to go.

if you want to apply, please go to this site

this a good opportunity for Afghans

I have applied in this online program