Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1D

Hello to all
Hope you doing well what’s today discussion question or its same as yesterday

I think the Taliban’s decision is influenced by their strict interpretation of Islamic law, which restricts women’s roles, along with a desire for social control and political stability.

Secondly, conservative cultural norms, security concerns, and a lack of effective international pressure support the Taliban’s stance on closing schools for women.

Increased international diplomatic pressure, support for local advocates, and ensuring school safety can help reopen schools for girls in Afghanistan

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Greetings, I hope all of you will be in great health

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Online education, scholarships, secret home school, language training centers and painting and drawing arts are some of the things that girls deprived of education have turned to.

I hope you have a good morning too.

Online education is not available to all students due to the weak internet in Afghanistan, but the learning of foreign languages ​​and the arts of painting and drawing have attracted a large number of girls.

Agreed, great points.

You right inceeased pressure from other country have positive effective on Talibans decision but their a question. Do you think maybe Taliban be a project that some other conntry reach out to their goals?

The Taliban’s decision to close schools for women is driven by their strict interpretation of Islamic law, which emphasizes traditional gender roles, and their desire to maintain social control and political stability within their support base.

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Also, cultural norms that favor conservative gender roles, security concerns about potential attacks on schools, and insufficient international pressure have all supported the Taliban’s decision to close schools for women.

Yes but you know its the only way we can conect to the world so we shoud keep it and increase it. Why Afghanistan has poor and expensive internet conection.

One of the reasons that the Taliban always give for closing schools is that the school system in Afghanistan is not compatible with Islamic laws and Sharia.

So far, the leaders of the Taliban and the ministries of education of this group are not responsible for the cause or the lifting of the ban on girls’ education, and in some cases they say in general that efforts are underway to solve this problem.
But in the last period of this group, schools for girls and working for women were banned.

International diplomatic pressure, support for local advocacy groups, and the implementation of safe education initiatives can help address these issues and facilitate the reopening of schools for girls.

Islamic and Shariah issues are an excuse, their goal is somewhere else and this group is against the education and working of girls and women.

Of course, reference to our yesterday discussion, the pressure of the international community, human rights, and other country they always support the women rights all over the world, can play a key role for the reopening of girls’ schools in Afghanistan.

We don’t deny that, the school’s system in Afghanistan had its own problems and shortcomings. I mean, most of the schools, especially in the remote area that they did not have experienced teachers, did not have a good teaching environment, and did do not have good teaching tools. But it was completely in accordance with Islamic and Shariah issues. This reason can’t be logical reasons for school closing.

Undoubtedly, the wish of us and all the women of Afghanistan is to open the gates of schools and universities for girls and for women to work. The government should provide education conditions for girls; Because education is the right of every human being and the continuation of these deprivations will expose the society to more misery and problems.

Taliban are totally against the education of women, and they use different and illogical reasons for it.

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