Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1D

Exactly, as we see, the government don’t have any cooperation with us, so, It is the responsibility of all Afghan people to make some good decisions and find some solutions for this issue.

We live in an Islamic society, and the first word our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) uttered was the word Iqra, which means “read”. It is also stated in the Sharif Hadith that learning science is obligatory for both men and women.

Many girls deprived of traditional education have found alternative paths such as online education, scholarships, secret home schooling, language training centers, and arts like painting and drawing.

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Exactly, the lack of government cooperation means it’s up to all Afghan people to take responsibility, make good decisions, and find solutions to this issue.

Living in an Islamic society, where the first word Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) uttered was “Iqra” (read), highlights the importance of education. The Sharif Hadith also states that learning is obligatory for both men and women. How can we ensure that everyone, especially women, has access to education in our community?

Absolutely, as we discussed yesterday, the pressure from the international community, human rights organizations, and supportive countries can play a crucial role in reopening girls’ schools in Afghanistan.

Um, the real Islam is not against girls and women education. Islam always supported women to take part in the society. But unfortunately Taliban aren’t real followers of Islam, that is why they closed schools.

The Taliban always link the reason for closing schools to Islam and its rules. While this is a false belief, that all of we know it.

Dear all, lets find some solution for this vital issue, maybe our options and suggestions can bring some positive changes.

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The international dialogue with the Taliban should continue to cancel the closure of girls’ schools. Despite the economic crisis in Afghanistan, international donors should continue to pay the salaries of government teachers unconditionally so that the Taliban do not have economic excuses and lack of funds for the education sector.

I think, making people understand about the importance and value of women’s education and that women’s presence in society is certain and necessary can be a solution for reopening schools.

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Summary of yesterday discussion about the reasons behind the Taliban discussion
1- girls education didn’t comply with their interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia
2- they think women are just things or evil not an independent human.
3- Most of the Taliban are illiterate, They ca read and write but they don’t know the value of knowledge and education for every one.
4- Taliban know that if the women of a society become literate, they will change the society and the people mind with their thoughts
5- Taliban use the matter of closing school as a tool for some political issues against another foreign countries and they have some reason behind it like: the world should know and accept them as a complete and official government
Any other reson that i dont mention???

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I think the people of Afghanistan all agree on the education of their daughters and have repeatedly requested to open schools and universities for their daughters.
But the cruel Talib group does not allow this.

Summary of yesterday discussion about key factor supported Taliban making this discussion
1ideological beliefs
2desire to control societal norms,
3 efforts to consolidate political power.
4- scares of Taliban is basic issue that people of Afghanistan can not stand up across the Taliban
5 some other country support Taliban and they don’t care what Taliban do with Afghan girls or people they just seek their own benefit.
6 bad economic conditions,
Any other key factors that i dont mentioned???

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You sent the summary of yesterday’s discussions two wise.
Thank you.

Summary of yesterday discussion about solutions proposed
1- applying international pressure,
2- engaging in diplomatic negotiations,
3-advocating for women’s rights,
4_ supporting local educational initiatives
5_ providing scholership for Afghan girls
6- the people of Afghanistan should be united, with unity, any problem can be solved.
7- efforts should be made to make education a culture among the people and to realize the importance of girls’ education
8- try to reach an agreement with the Taliban regarding the mentioned issue.
9- ask for help form the international community, human rights.
10 Online education,
11- secret home school,
12 language training centers
Lets talk more about solutions how we can apply a strategic solution for every above issue???

Ohh, you are sending by numbers that is really good.

You are right, but repeatedly requested to opening schools and universities is not enough, people should not be silent ,they must try their best to discuss with Taliban and find some solution for it.

Not twice its summary of all comment about 3 question mentioned.

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Ivgot it, thank you.