Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1D

Lets take part for finding solution for opening the girls schools in Afghanistan

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Have you ever heard the voices of these ignorant people, no, because their thoughts are extreme and absurd, and their actions are filled with fear and terror.
And their excuse is Islam and Sharia’in, which is completely false.

Yes, for several time.

So, what should we do, which solution do you prefer?

In my opinion,
Because the bad economic situation in Afghanistan does not answer the alternative way of public schools and universities, therefore, in the first step, suitable economic conditions should be achieved with humanitarian aid, and then alternative ways of public schools and universities should be made.

Ther are the main reasons of Taliban if they are illeteat so it can solve by aware them about education write because ther are a few people who control the others Taliban but its take a lot of time up to aware them about the real Isalm and its rule
Standing up against Taliban seems courages but witgout any supports people can bot stand against their gone because they dont care about the peopls of Afghanistan wants they just belive their selves
So its seems that other country help that we remove Taliban by attacked them as 20 years ago

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That’s right, but simply requesting the reopening of schools and universities is not enough. People must not remain silent; they should actively engage in discussions with the Taliban to find a solution.

No, I haven’t heard the voices of these ignorant people because their thoughts are extreme and absurd, and their actions are driven by fear and terror. Their claim to be acting in the name of Islam and Sharia is completely false.

This was my opinion, for sure.

I agree. The poor economic situation in Afghanistan makes alternatives to public schools and universities unfeasible. First, we need to improve economic conditions with humanitarian aid, and then explore alternative educational solutions.

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There are also a big point how Taliban can took over Afghanistan by skilles army and professional equipment. Why America leave Afghanistan its fucking lie that they dont know Taliban will attacked, they dont know Taliban will not allow girls and women to educat or work. Absolutely they know but they dont care about
What do you think?

While standing up against the Taliban is courageous, it is difficult without support since they don’t care about the people’s wants and only believe in their own ideology. Educating the illiterate within the Taliban about real Islam could help, but it would take a long time. Should other countries intervene to remove the Taliban as they did 20 years ago?

You are exactly right, but during the 20 years that America was in Afghanistan, the thieves and traders politicians did not want to build the infrastructure, for now we have to find a solution to reopen schools and universities for girls and for women to work.

As you said, standing up against the Taliban is not easy, and people can’t do it without
support of international community and other foreign country.

in my opinion, the international community and other organizations that support the women rights should not be silent about this issue, and try to find solution for it.

In this situation, continuing online education can be a good option for girls.

Also, Afghan girls and women should never lose their hope, and never give up, instead of it they must try different ways and options to continue their education.

Yes I know bu the education limitations have political reson so the youth must think about political situations
Politics control the world

I agree. It’s crucial for the international community and organizations that advocate for women’s rights to actively address this issue and work towards a solution.

Exactly. Confronting the Taliban is incredibly challenging, and people need the support of the international community and other nations to make a meaningful impact.