Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

The solutions that I suggest is to put pressure on the local elders and the United Nations on taliban to open this group of schools.

Personally, I am still of the opinion that the Taliban are afraid of women’s participation in society and are afraid of women’s power, and the only work and the most important solution in their view is to close the gates of schools to prevent women from participating in society’s affairs.

You right, They do not have their own governance plan and blindly imitate other countries

Yes this is main solutions

But there is a question, in which country there is like this that women can not learn or continue their education

Financial support and scholarships - Provide academic scholarships to girls to continue studying inside and overseas. - Providing scholarships, books, school clothes and other essentials

IT is painful but nowadays is only Afghanistan

Yep, that is🥲

Thats sound great , But as long as the schools remain closed, such solutions cannot be created. I think the main problem is the reopening of the schools.

By my opinion is school and university is closed and Taliban didn’t let girls to study in other countries without Innocent

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this is the main problem and solution for it is converse with UN

you talked right

If girls do not able to finish their primary school how they can study to other countries or in Afghanistan.

Because political pressure is not answered this problem in last three years


The first and important thing before every things is that Taliban should let them to open schools for girls

I am also said this idea in my last replay

Yes , they still travel abroad and do their works like their is not any problems

Oh, may be, I didnt see that