Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

Education is initial for women and girls in Afghanistan

And stopping the humanitarian aid and assistance to the Taliban so that they know how the country is managed and where to pay their staff.

All women and girls should have the rights if study, learn, implement, develop and independent life.

Access to the internet, having the internet with good speed is very important for girls to participate in classes and join the trainings and learn more.

The school, universities and educational centers are banned no one could go fo learning and development.

If they could participate and study, they could improve and develop.

Stopping the Taliban from traveling abroad because they are all busy with their personal interests and spending time If these trips are stopped, this can also be a solution

It has been more than 3 years that girls’ schools have been closed, which reduces motivation among other minor students and makes them lose their hope for the future.

When the Taliban say about law and Sharia, according to Islam, education is necessary for every man and woman.

When the Taliban closed all the girls’ schools and then they closed the universities. But they also banned girls from going to courses and other educational centers.

When the Taliban closed all the girls’ schools and then they closed the universities. But they also banned girls from going to courses and other educational centers.

The limitation of girls’ education shows the weakness of themselves and the government they have established.

The big problem is for girls and women in Afghanistan.

Did the world community and international countries forget Afghan girls? So why doesn’t he do anything?

The countries of the world do not impose any sanctions on the Taliban, they only hold meetings and take pictures to appear in the media.

The power of women is their education

If the suspension does not end, it will continue
If they are banned from working, there is still a chance that women will be allowed to work and study

Banning girls from education paralyzes the future of Afghanistan.

Banning girls from education paralyzes the future of Afghanistan

A few days ago, the results of the entrance exam were announced, and there was no girl among them.

In the years before the Taliban, we saw that girls were the first in the entrance exam scores.