Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

The power of every girl is education, important, development.

Afghan women were arrested and suppressed during their protests for their rights.

You paralyzed half of the society by closing the education of girls and women

The all ORGs which provide the scholarship, Internship and trainings should sport the students for internet activation.

The progress of a society and country is calculated based on the science and knowledge of the society
How can he calculate if half of our society is deprived

And holding this meeting according to their wish should be stopped because the Doha meeting is being held according to their wish and it is being moved forward and if the Doha meeting is closed, the Taliban still have the possibility of allowing women to work

Is abusing a person the same as an educated person? How do you know that a person who has been away from education should not be abused?

In such circumstances, home schools should be established so that girls do not get disappointed.

Support communities as they fight for girls’ right to education.

International countries should provide education for girls outside of Afghanistan, by getting educational scholarships, we will show that the Taliban cannot prevent our education.

One of the way to solved and reopen the school is that Conduct community meetings and workshops to raise awareness about the importance of girls’ education.

Female teachers should be trained, which will motivate girls and encourage families to educate their daughters.

International countries should provide a butter negotiation and force Taliban to re opening the school.

Train teachers to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment that addresses the specific needs of girls.

Stopping the support of the taliban government the aid that is given to the taliban every two weeks according to them, 40 million dollars are paid to them every two weeks and these 40 million dollars go to the personal pockets of the taliban not to the national/ country budget

Opening of Universities, schools and training centers are very important for girls and women in Afghanistan.

The taliban use religion as an excuse to close schools so that women can stay indoors. If we look at islam, islam has also allowed women to be educated

I think they should have a big plan and strategy for schools and universities opening and for continuing of girls education.

Thnks in advance from ORGs and NGOs for helping girls and women to continue education and learning online.

Thanks in advance from big companies for supporting girls to study and develop their knowledge by online classes.