Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

I do request from NGOs to provide soft and hard skills for girls to study online and learn skills also improve and learn and serve more.

Sanctions on the taliban should be increased by the international community so that they come under pressure and allow girls to work and go to school and university

Intern services providers should provide internet with full speed, for people, because girls need to educate and join online classes and trainings to develop their skills.

I request from all NGOs to help and provide internet in online classes and trainings which provide by them, because the girls need internet with good speed and quality.

Every girl needs support for continuing of their education.

And those taliban officials who transfer their money to foreign countries should have their accounts seized because they are now increasing their capital and transferring it to other foreign countries

Conduct campaigns to change societal attitudes and highlight the importance of girlsā€™ education in this factor we must have a butter awareness program that shows the importance of girlā€™s education .

By using these strategies and activities, awareness campaigns can effectively change societal attitudes and underscore the significance of girlsā€™ education.

Ethnic differences and nationalism must be eliminated, yet these issues can be resolved

The work should be handed over to the working people, but at present, an illiterate person has been appointed to a professional position in an organization

To prevent the destruction of professional person one should not leave oneā€™s professional person to go to foreign countries through smuggling, they should be provided with work in their own country.

And another reason could be that the posts that used to ban female employees have now appointed those who have done Jihad with them.

Online technology can be a powerful alternative for girls in Afghanistan to access education.

Yes, 100 % online technology and learning are the butter of that now which we donā€™t have education.

In such a situation, foreign governments should provide digital literacy, artificial intelligence and computer design programs for girls so that they can work online later.

Now women donā€™t have the right to work, they donā€™t have any financial support, and the Taliban doesnā€™t allow them to work .

Afghan girls may be forced into different challenges of using online learning and technology for example lack of information on the internet using
Economic issues
Culture restrictions
And so otherā€¦

Yes, there is no doubt that Afghan girls can continue their education through online technology

Women and girls are active members of a society that the Taliban cannot see their strengths and they want to weaken them by restricting the education sector.

Girls and women need education, study, development and improvement.