Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

For example, Internet coverage many areas, especially rural regions, have limited or no access to reliable internet connections.
One of the begets challenges of Afghan girls.

electricity supply hampers the ability to use electronic devices and access online resources as you know most of the cities of Afghanistan have this problem.

Online programs and online workshops should be financially supported for Afghan women.

In Afghanistan, there are many problems in terms of internet and online system, one of the main problems is that the internet does not work in most areas in our country

The cost of the Internet and package is also hard to pay.

Knowledge of using new methods of online learning and technology must be oriented before using.

There is a shortage of programs to train girls and teachers in digital literacy and the use of online educational tools.

Awareness campaigns and support for the importance of girls’ education should be carried out in the society to encourage families and change the attitude of local leaders.

One of the main solutions for online learning in Afghanistan is that the Internet reaches all parts of the country and the Internet has started its activity all over the country

Creating and curating educational content that is culturally relevant and available in local languages.

By tackling these challenges, it will be possible to create an effective online education.

Almost in afghanistan the internet is shre and no one could access properly.

The cost of internet subscriptions can be prohibitively high for many families.

Curricula should be developed that address the needs and interests of girls, including health, vocational training, and life skills.

Many families cannot afford computers, tablets, or smartphones necessary for online education.

The ORGs who provide trainings online should provide and activate internet for students.

And the internet network should increase its performance and at the same time improve the prices, that is, the internet should be made cheaper so that people can pay the internet bill.

Cooperate with non-governmental organizations to provide educational opportunities for girls.

Thanks for such a big trainings by your company for girls.

Both students and teachers often lack the necessary skills to effectively use tools and online learning divced…